90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Lily Questions Josh About Lack of Intimacy

Lily questions Josh about their lack of intimacy in the bedroom on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. They have plans to have a wedding. But could something stop that from happening?

90 Day Fiance: Lily Confronts Josh About No Bedroom Fun

Lily and Josh aren’t having an easy time adjusting to their new lives together in China. They have been dealing with a lot of communication issues. They don’t speak or understand much of each other’s languages, so when they try to have a conversation, it often leads to frustration and then a fight. And now it seems like communication isn’t their only problem.

90 Day Fiance: Lily
90 Day Fiance’s Lily | TLC

The 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way cast member wonders why her husband doesn’t want to be intimate with her. They have been living together for a few months. But he hasn’t shown her any love in the bedroom. And she isn’t going to let it slide.

Lily brings up to Josh her concerns about their lack of intimacy in the bedroom. She tells him that she wants to “make love” with him. He tells her that they will. But he adds that they have to wait until they put their red sheets on their bed.

Josh Tells Lily Time Change & Cold Is to Blame

Lily asks Josh if he agrees that they should make love. He tells her, “Of course, I agree.” She is happy to hear that from him, even though his actions say otherwise.


The 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way castmate was embarrassed to bring up the topic with her husband. She explains that since he came to China, they haven’t made any love to each other. However, she slowly realized they were used to not making love because they were living in two different countries.

Josh explains to Lily that he is still adapting to the time change. It isn’t easy adjusting to a new time zone. He also has a cold and hasn’t been feeling well. So, having fun in the bedroom hasn’t been the first thing on his mind. But he doesn’t want her to think he doesn’t want to be with her.

90 Day Fiance: Josh
The Other Way’s Josh | TLC

Will 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Couple Cancel Wedding?

Lily admits to Josh that she thought that he didn’t want to make love to her. She also thought that maybe he didn’t love her. She even wasn’t sure if he didn’t like her body. However, he tells her he loves her body, and that is why he is with her.

However, the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way couple has more trouble in store for their relationship. It’s the day of Lily and Josh’s wedding. Yet, he doesn’t know if it is going to happen. He tells her that they have to cancel the wedding. She gets sad and admits that canceling the wedding will make her angry. So, will they go through with their wedding—or call it quits?

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