General Hospital

Lulu Isn’t the Only One With Problems on General Hospital, as Lucky’s Return Has Been Lackluster — Plus, Did We Just Find Out How Sam Might Die?

Lucky's boring return GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

This week was a bit of a mixed bag at General Hospital. It feels like the show has hit a bit of a slump, as not many stories are progressing. Lucky’s story seems to be the slowest moving of the bunch, and Alexis’ storyline looks to be headed toward “Been there, done that, have the ticket stub.” 

Welcome to Pentonville, Alexis

Things didn’t go Alexis’ way in a not-so-shocking turn of events, and she found herself in Pentonville pending trial. And, of course, she’s cell-neighbors with Heather. Another round of Alexis in Pentonville helping inmates with their legal troubles is not what I had on my wishlist for General Hospital right now, and it feels like she likely will get sucked into Heather’s legal drama. What else is she going to do in there while she awaits trial?

Alexis held without bail GH



Is This How Sam Goes Out?

Sam’s faceoff with Michael, asking if he’d let her mother go down for a crime she didn’t commit, was a telling exchange. Especially seeing that it took him no time to warn his father of  Sam’s intentions to find the real killer. He also appeared to make it clear where his loyalties are when he said he’d always choose their family. So, will he let Alexis take the fall if it comes down to it? At least Sonny is trying to help by hiring Martin, but again, is there any way out for Sonny other than a complete rewrite of what we think we saw? Or is it time Sonny actually goes to prison?

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Sam told Dante she is a skilled diver and may search the river for the gun, which hasn’t been located so far due to the rough waters. Did General Hospital give us a hint that Sam could “die” diving for the gun, only to be swept away into the ocean and presumed dead?

Sam wants answers GH

Showdown in Africa

Lucky’s return has so far been downright dull. Laura and Kevin are still nowhere to be found, and now it seems it’s up to Anna and Jason to rescue the Spencer. Friday’s episode at least appeared to make some progress, what with Holly and Anna seemingly working together to get Anna and Jason an invite to the compound so they can rescue Lucky. However, it appears Sidwell is onto who they are, thanks to a tip he got from a man at the club who overheard Anna and Holly.

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Lucky Liz talk GH

Lucky dreaming of Liz coming to tend to him and pushing him to have the guts to return home foreshadows these two will probably be reuniting. However, will Lucky save Lulu? It was a brief mention, and you could have missed it as it was so quick. Isaiah, the world’s greatest transplant surgeon, told Dante that Lucky should be a perfect match. However, he also mentioned the condition of Lucky’s liver and that he’s been known to throw some booze back. Fans have also wondered about Lucky’s past drug addiction and the health of his liver.

Isah talks to Dante GH

With Ned and Michael fighting over Valentin and ELQ again, that could hint that Valentin and Charlotte will be back in Port Charles sooner rather than later. I’ve said it before in one of my weekly soapboxes that my money is on Charlotte being the one to save Lulu.

News of a recast for Lulu broke last week. I can only guess that Lucky’s return has been so drawn out because they needed a new actress to play Lulu first. Many fans are already prepared for this story to continue until November. That seems so far away, as it already feels like it’s been dragging for months!

Other Storyline Ponderings

I love that Elizabeth stood her ground with Ric, letting him know they were never, ever, ever getting back together. As mentioned above, it seems clear Lucky and Liz are going to put their family back together.

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Sasha confronted Tracy, accusing her of being jealous of her and that she was taking away Cody’s attention, as he is one of the few friends she has. With Martin back to defend Alexis, could something happen between him and Tracy? Or are Alexis and Martin possibly fated to become an item?

Sitting on his wrap around couch, Sonny shakes hands with Martin

It looked like Willow had overheard Sasha and Nina discussing Nina’s “relationship” with Drew, but nothing was ever brought up about it between mother and daughter. Just like nothing happened last week after Liz overheard Willow talking to Lulu about her feelings for Drew. I’m going to guess that this story, too, is going to drag out until November, and everything will blow up on Election Day.

Heather gets bad news GH

So Heather’s tests appear to have been tampered with, and it looks like none other than the good doctor Portia herself may have done it. She does know doctors have lost their jobs and medical licenses at General Hospital for this, right? Hey, I’m more than happy to watch Portia get knocked down a peg or two.

Finally, reviving Drew and Michael fighting with Ned over ELQ is NOT something I need back on my screen. It will only take precious airtime away from storylines I’d rather be watching, such as Cody and Sasha, as well as Cody and his new family continuing to bond.

That’s it for this week’s column, as well as my thoughts and opinions. As always, please leave your own in the comments!

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