Young and the Restless

Young & Restless Sets Sally’s Revenge in Motion — Plus, Sharon’s Struggle, Kyle’s Trainwreck, and Jack vs. Victor Explodes

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Young & Restless is barking up the right tree by reigniting Jack and Victor’s feud, but Kyle has backstabbed his father how many times now? Repetitive themes are not helping the state of our beloved soap.

Kyle’s off the rails, as they say, as his life devolved into a trainwreck this week. Of course, he won’t see it that way, so confident is he that he’ll turn Glissade into a powerhouse that will take down Jabot and teach his parents a lesson. But a trainwreck is exactly where he’s headed. He hasn’t even started at Glissade yet and he’s been on thin ice with Victor, who is only using him anyway, and his interest in Claire is bound to cause even more trouble with the Mustache. His entitled outbursts toward Jack and Diane, although highly entertaining given we’ve waited eons for him to truly rage at his mother for her abandonment, have left him on the verge of moving out, which reeks of using his kid to hurt them – something he accused them of trying to do! That move, of course, will be challenged by Summer, so I’d expect a custody battle of some kind to unfold… and with Kyle working for Victor, he may have to acquiesce to Summer to an extent to keep her grandfather happy.

In related commentary, the “Scary Poppins” (as Phyllis hilariously called Claire) narrative continues as now we’re being told that Saint Claire doesn’t drink alcohol. Except Young & Restless fans brought the receipts:


What I don’t understand is why the writers would deliberately throw ice water on such a hot storyline. Claire was a complex character whose presence should have thrown the Newmans into all manner of upheaval and emotion, yet they chose to go this bizarre route of turning her into a childlike saint/podperson. We know something will happen that will reawaken Jordan’s training in her, but in the meantime, she, as well as Victoria and Cole, have become borderline unwatchable. No one believes for a second that Kyle would be interested in this woman, so the attempt at a romance isn’t resonating. It’s terrible all around, but it’s the missed opportunity that truly disappoints.


Struggles Ahead

As Nick focuses his attention on banding together with Phyllis to support “Supergirl”, Sharon will continue to quietly struggle. Young & Restless spoilers tell us that she’ll be haunted by her past in the coming days, which we’d already begun to see as she’s been flashing back to Cassie’s death recently. As tired as we all are of the mental health themes favored by the headwriter, the silver lining is that Sharon is getting a story. Obviously, things are going to get worse before they get better. Find out why we think [Spoiler] may be in danger here.

Rivalry Reignited

It was fun to see Jack in Victor’s office all fired up this week, and the preview teases that he’ll be making another appearance there soon. Meanwhile, as Jack’s focused on Victor using Kyle to come after him on one front, the Mustache will already be making moves on another. Watch for Victor to dole out an assignment to Adam, who he’ll re-install at Newman Media finally, that is certain to target Jack and/or Jabot. Of course, it will all be based on irrefutable facts, which will infuriate the Abbott all the more. Jack never seems to be on the winning end of this rivalry, however, Victor’s plots often come back to bite him in the behind, so we’ll see.


In a word: Exhausting. This week, the board consisting of the same people who were in-fighting managed to vote to demerge their two companies. Immediately afterward, one of the people leading the charge (Lily) began to have second thoughts. So… now they might not demerge? It seems possible as spoilers have Devon and Nate putting their heads together to try and outwit Billy, which wouldn’t be a thing if the companies split. Or maybe they’ll be bickering over the details of the demerger. Who knows? Who cares? Take your respective companies and let’s be done with this so we can perhaps get back to telling some actual soap stories.

Sally’s Revenge

As Adam and Chelsea wrangle with their guilt after their shocking night of bourbon-fueled betrayal, the building blocks are already being put into place for Sally’s revenge. How? Young & Restless spoilers hint at Sally and Summer getting closer, which tells me all I need to know. Adam and Chelsea, of course, will cover up what they did (find out why the cover up will be worse than the crime), but secrets are inevitably revealed on soaps, so it’s only a matter of time before Billy and Sally become aware. By that time, Sally will have established a better relationship with Summer both professionally and personally, and will turn to her in her time of need. If Chelsea’s cheating leads to Summer lumping her in with the likes of Audra, Sally may take her revenge… by taking Chelsea’s job!
Sally Chelsea park YR

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