General Hospital

Heather Makes a Surprising Request of Laura — and Felicia Schemes to Bring Cody and Mac Together

Today on General Hospital, Blaze and Kristina agree to an interview, Ava asks for John Cates help, and Sonny turns to Alexis for aid. 

Heather shocking request GH

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Cody washes up the stables when Felicia stops by. She knows she’s probably the last person he wants to see today. He tells her to let him have it, and he has what’s coming to him. Felicia says she knows he’s conflicted about Mac, but not to give up on him, and not to even think about leaving town. Cody says Mac has made it clear there is no place in his life for him.

Felicia Cody stables GH

Felicia explains that Mac is just lashing out, and as wonderful of a father he was to her children, he never had a child of his own. So, when he found out Cody might be his son, he was delighted at the idea. However, when he told Mac the DNA results weren’t a match, it was a crushing disappointment to him. Felicia says Mac now doesn’t feel wanted and thinks Cody only came forward now because he has an angle. Cody jokes like what, a kidney? He swears he has no angle. Felicia asks if he can stand here and tell her he wants no part of the Scorpio-Jones family. Cody says he can’t.

Felicia Cody Sad GH

Cody admits he feels he doesn’t deserve a family like Mac’s. Felicia notes he and Mac are a lot alike, including the fact that kids love them both. Cody notes most of his life he was just out to make a buck. Felicia admits when Mac was younger, he was a lot like him, and got into a lot of trouble.

Felicia Cody talk GH

Cody says he’s been alone so long, so he doesn’t know what it would feel like to become a part of a family, especially one he knows. However, he wants to give it a try. Felicia knows he’s always there to help Maxie out, and James loves him. Plus, James told her about becoming spit-and-shake-on-it brothers. Cody says he couldn’t believe James asked him to be his brother. However, that was before he told Mac the truth. Mac told him to stay away from James, and he knows Mac won’t trust him again. Felicia says to give Mac time. Felicia notes Mac always forgives those he loves. Cody says Mac doesn’t love him. Felicia points out that Mac doesn’t know him, but they’ll both get what they want if he gives him time.

Felicia smiles Cody GH

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Mac stops by Maxie’s, and notes it’s very quiet. Maxie says Spinelli took the kids to the pool so they could talk about Cody. She notes he always forgave her when she messed up, so now he has to forgive Cody. Mac says this isn’t the same thing, and Cody lied to him. Maxie still says he always forgave her, so why is he taking a hard line with Cody. She asks what is stopping him from reaching out to him.

Maxie and Mac talk GH

Mac explains that he wanted to be Cody’s father, but Cody didn’t want to be his son. Maxie says he made mistakes, and Cody has changed and wants to be his son. Mac thinks there has to be an ulterior motive, as Cody has shown he wants nothing to do with him.

Maxie doesn't get Mac GH

Felicia arrives and announces that she believes she left her phone here. She asks Maxie to call it for her. Her phone is back in the stables, and Cody answers, but Maxie says nothing to him. Felicia and Mac continue to search but hear no phone ringing. Mac decides to look in the kids’ room. Felicia and Maxie smile at one another. They quickly compare notes, when there is a knock at the door. Mac returns as Maxie answers the door. It’s Cody with Felicia’s phone and he and Mac spot one another.

Cody MAxie Phone GH

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Portia arrives to see Jordan in her office. She wants to see about putting a measure on the fall ballot to recall Laura and name Jordan as the new mayor. Jordan knows what this is about. Portia asks if Jordan has logged onto the community message boards because there are tons of people outraged at the idea of a murderer being set free. Jordan notes Laura is only asking questions, and they also know she’s the beacon of fairness. Jordan also notes they know Heather’s judgment was impaired, so she may not be responsible for her actions. Portia says she sounds like a politician, not the ex-police chief.

Jordan and Portia argue GH

Portia asks if Jordan is okay with Laura working to undo her hard work in putting Heather away. Jordan says as a cop, so she also has to acknowledge new evidence when it emerges. Jordan says she warned Laura not to pursue this as Heather is a lightning bolt of a topic, but Laura is and always has been about fairness. Portia rants about how it wasn’t fair that Heather went after Trina, Spencer, and all those others. Jordan argues that Heather had a condition, and the law applies to all, whether they like them or not, just like with medicine. She reminds Portia that she was the one who discovered the poisoned hip. Portia believes everyone deserves medical care, but not absolution. Portia will not sit around to wait for Heather to be released. She wonders how Jordan would feel if Heather targeted and murdered her son. She then storms out.

Portia rants to Jordan GH

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Laura visits Heather in Pentonville. She brings her a photo of Ace, and Heather says he gets more and more adorable each day. Heather says Curtis visited her about Laura looking into her case and getting it re-opened. Laura says that is a long way off, she’s only asking some questions. Heather says that’s what she wants to talk to her about. She asks Laura not to do this, she needs to stay locked up. She explains this place is awful, but at least she knows this place is real. Laura asks what she means? Heather says she remembers what she did, but she can’t remember or figure out why she did it. Laura says that was the cobalt poisoning. Heather admits she fears if she was let out that she would hurt someone again, so she doesn’t want to put it to the test.

Heather photo GH

Laura asks if she wants to kill again. Heather doesn’t, but she can’t rule out a situation where her old feelings come back and she does something bad again. She tells Laura she is in here because she belongs here. Laura again suggests her feelings could have been triggered by a medical condition, and she’s trying to help her. Heather says if she wants to help her to raise their grandson, bring her pictures of him, and let her stay here in peace. Laura says if that is what she wants, then okay.

Heather surprises Laura GH

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Kristina meets with Brook Lynn in the Quartermain kitchen. They talk about Blaze and damage control, and Brook Lynn asks if Blaze spoke to her mom. Kristina doesn’t know, but she spoke to Natalia and gave her a piece of her mind. Brook Lynn wonders if Blaze would make a statement denouncing her mother’s words. Kristina doesn’t know, and says at the end of the day, Natalia is still her mother. Kristina feels the one who should be punished is Ava. They vent about Ava and what she’s done.

Kristina and BLQ talk GH

Blaze eventually arrives and apologizes for being late. Brook Lynn explains she’s trying to set up an interview for her to explain her side of the story, and discuss the idea of public cancelation. Blaze agrees to do it, but Brook Lynn says Kristina will have to be interviewed as well. Brook Lynn says this interview isn’t an apology tour, it’s to engage with the public and those who haven’t made up their minds, especially Blazes’ fans. This is about showing the world how sweet and in love they are. Kristina feels they should do it and says they are in.

Kristina and Blaze interview GH

Later, after Blaze and Kristina are gone, Chase shows up and asks Brook Lynn to taste some of the blackberries he and Violet picked this morning. He says Violet went down to the gatehouse to give some to Wiley. Brook Lynn is glad Violet is getting along with everyone. Chase thinks she’s adjusting and is happier. Chase notes his bereavement leave ends tomorrow, so he worries how this will affect Violet. Brook Lynn says there are a lot of people around here to help, and she can work from home. Chase says he will talk to Anna and Mac and see about working three days a week. Brook Lynn says she’s a lucky girl, she watched him with Bailey Lou, and now Violet, and she gets a look at what he’d be like as a father. She knows she picked the right guy.

Chase and BLQ talk GH

At the Metro Court, Cates finds Ava trying to get Sonny to leave her room. He asks if there is a problem. Ava explains she’s having a problem getting Sonny to leave. She notes he threatened her, and if he doesn’t believe her, confiscate his phone and listen to the entire conversation. Cates asks if this true.

Jagger interupts GH

Sonny claims Ava is blowing smoke and asks why he’s here. Cates explains he is staying here and hears raised voices. Surprisingly, it’s them, who just a week ago were living together. Sonny says he fights to keep his kids safe. How about him? Sonny asks where his son is. Cates is silent. Sonny says, “Too be continued…” and walks out.

Sonny's defensive GH

Ava thanks Cates, even though she knows he’s having her followed. He admits his tail on her hasn’t turned up anything, so he nixed it. He offers to put a guard on her if she wants. She says she has a better idea to keep Sonny from returning. She invites him to stay for a drink. He agrees and asks where Avery is. She explains she’s at Sonny’s, and he’s doing everything he can to keep her from her, which is cruel. Cates says she and Sonny were getting along, so what is behind this rift. Ava doesn’t know, she says he’s become volatile, and she will do whatever it takes to keep Avery safe and get her away from Sonny. She has to prove Sonny is an unfit parent, and surely Cates must agree he shouldn’t be taking care of a little girl. He agrees.

Ava and Jagger drink GH

Ava asks if he’d be willing to give a statement to her attorney, Scott Baldwin. Cates says Scott is a great guy, and Ava says he speaks highly of him too. Cates says, unfortunately, he is not here to get involved in custody battles. Ava isn’t asking him to do this as an FBI agent, but as John, a father. She fears for Avery, and she wants to keep her safe. She thinks he has to relate, and he’d want to protect his son from Sonny, wouldn’t he? Cates can’t promise but will think about it. She says she’ll need all the help she can get. Cates hints she won’t have to worry too much longer, Sonny will be behind bars soon if he has anything to say about it.

Sonny drops by Alexis’ place and fills her in on the upcoming custody battle. Alexis warns him that Ava will come after him with everything she has. Sonny just needs to know if she’ll stand by him. Alexis loathes Ava, but as a mother she is uncomfortable with the idea of keeping a mother from her child. She asks if visitation is on the table.

Sonny Alexis help GH

Sonny says he won’t let Ava use any chance to poison his daughter. All he needs is for her to say he’s been a good father to Kristina, she doesn’t have to say anything about Ava. Alexis says she can testify that he is a good father to their daughter, but she won’t say she approves of what he does if asked.

Alexis won't lie GH

Kristina arrives, and is glad to find her parents together. She tells them about doing a public interview with Ali that Brook Lynn is setting up. She says they are going to present themselves as two people very much in love. Alexis calls her daughter brave, as if she can’t control what happens to her, she won’t let it diminish her. Kristina thanks them both for teaching her to stand up for what she believes in. She’d love any guidance they could give her, as they both know she can say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Kristina notes Ali’s career is at stake here. Sonny is sure she’ll be great. She thanks him and hopes this won’t bring him negative national exposure given her name will be on screen. He tells her he will be proud of her and not to worry about him.

Kristina Parents News GH

On the next General Hospital: Sasha swears Cody to secrecy. Mac wants Maxie and Felicia to explain the point of that humiliating exchange. Trina speaks to Laura. Jason asks Liz to let him do something for Jake. Anna states she’s going in alone this time. Curtis and Portia talk, and she fears the worst is yet to come

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