Days of our Lives

Brady and Fiona’s Drunken Night Has Tragic Consequences — and the Mystery Woman Submits to a DNA Test

Today on Days of Our Lives, Fiona puts Sarah’s life in danger after drinking with Brady, and Chad tries to trigger the mystery woman’s memory as they wait for the DNA test results.

At night, a bright light shines over Sarah's terrified face

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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Still in their wedding attire at the apartment, Xander, Sarah, Maggie, and Fiona eat wedding cake. Xander gets a text about Brady missing the meeting he was supposed to attend in his place. Fiona innocently asks who Brady is. Xander calls him his idiot cousin. Scratch that. His idiot nephew who flaked on him. As his sponsor, Maggie defends him. When Fiona comments on Maggie being in AA, Maggie offers to go to a meeting with her. Fiona will let her know. Sarah gets an alert that Theresa was transferred to Statesville. She assumes that’s why Brady didn’t show up. Xander notes he still could have called to let him know. Fiona looks off, worriedly.

After finishing a drink at Small Bar, Brady promptly orders another one. He looks at a photo of Tate on his phone.

Eating takeout at the Horton cabin, Holly vents about Sophia to Tate. However, since she’s paying her off, she’s confident Sophia will keep quiet about them. Tate’s phone rings with a call from Brady. The teens worry Sophia told him about them. Tate braces himself and answers to his father who just wants to make sure he got to New York okay. Tate lies that he’s in a car on the way back to camp now. However, he felt like Brady couldn’t wait to get rid of him. Brady insists that’s not true. He can’t wait for him to come home. After hanging up, Brady continues drinking.

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In the cabin, Tate and Holly look forward to him “coming home from camp” in a few weeks. Then they won’t have to sneak around, especially since their parents are open to the idea of them dating. As for right now, they should make the most of their romantic hideaway. They kiss.

In Kayla’s office, Jack catches his sister-in-law up on the mystery woman and asks her to do a DNA test.

In the hospital lobby, Chad warns the mystery woman about the coffee as she pours. She assumes it can’t be that bad but proves Chad right upon taking a sip. He thanks her for coming there to help them figure out the truth. She worries they’re setting themselves up for disappointment. But even if she is Abigail, they can’t just be together because she doesn’t know him. Jack comes to get them for the test.

Chad grimaces as the mystery woman pours coffee in the hospital lobby

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After Kayla swabs Jack and the mystery woman, the woman notes she’s hungry. Chad offers to take her someplace. Jack pensively watches them leave.

At the apartment, Sarah and Xander pour champagne and sparkling cider, leading Fiona to give an old Scottish wedding blessing. Next, Xander raises a glass to the love of his life, who always pushes him to make better decisions. If it wasn’t for Sarah, he and his mum never would have reconnected. They toast to Sarah. Fiona gulps her cider and gets up for a refill. She secretly pours champagne and gulps that too.

In formal wear, Xander lovingly looks at Sarah with his arm around her on the couch. They hold champagne flutes

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As the foursome later discuss Fiona sticking around Salem, she gets a text. She lights up upon reading Brady’s message to join him at Small Bar. Noting she looks happy, Xander assumes it’s her secret beau and encourages her to go meet him.

Fiona arrives at Small Bar as a drunken Brady gets into a fight with a server. She smooths things over and then sits with Brady. When she brings up the meeting he missed, Brady wryly chuckles. Between running into Tate, seeing John at the hospital, and really needing a drink, he totally forgot about it. Fiona suggests they order a couple of rounds.

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At Small Bar, Fiona stands between a surly Brady and a waiter. She regards Brady with a calming expression

At the apartment, Maggie calls Fiona delightful. Xander hasn’t seen her like this since he was a wee lad. It’s like he got his real mother back. Maggie is glad Fiona got herself together and credits Sarah with bringing her to the wedding. Maggie asks about a honeymoon. The newlyweds explain they’re saving the big honeymoon for later but they would like to get away for a couple of days. Maggie offers the Horton Cabin. Sarah suggests they could go tonight.

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As Holly and Tate kiss in the cabin, she starts to lift his shirt. He backs off, wondering what she’s doing. She thinks they should have sex. He takes off his shirt, and they resume kissing on the couch. When she starts to undress, he suggests they talk about it first. After they both admit they haven’t done it before, Tate asks about protection. Holly pulls a box of condoms from her purse. She got them after Sophia grilled her about them having sex. Tate assures Holly he wants her, but he doesn’t want to do it because Sophia made her feel weird about waiting. She agrees. Plus, when they finally do have sex, she’d like to spend the whole night with him. She thinks she should go return the cabin key at Maggie’s — not that anyone is looking for it.

Chad brings the mystery woman to the DiMera mansion. He explains they’re at his family estate, and the chef is whipping something up for them. It’s where he lived with his wife and kids. She deduces he was hoping to trigger her memories. He asks if anything seems familiar. She picks up a vase, noting it’s pretty. He tells her Abigail bought it in Paris. Maybe that’s why she was drawn to it. She counters she might just like shiny things. He apologizes for pressuring her. She understands that he needs her to be Abigail.

Jack hangs up with Jennifer in Kayla’s office. He tells Kayla that Jennifer is trying not to get her hopes up. It’s too late for him, though. If it turns out to be a hoax, it’ll be like grieving all over again. He’s not sure he and Jennifer can handle that heartbreak again. Kayla goes to check on the tests.

At the mansion, the mystery woman eats a Bahn Mi sandwich. Chad explains they got the recipe for their chef because Abigail liked it so much. The mystery woman uncomfortably shifts. Chad gets a message that the DNA results are in.

At Small Bar, a drunken Fiona suggests they go back to her place. Brady would love to, but he has to go home because his family needs him. However, he pulls her in for a lingering kiss.

As Xander and Sarah stroll through the Square with their luggage, Xander wonders why Sarah brought all these clothes. “You’re definitely not going to need them,” he cheekily says. Maggie calls to tell Sarah she can’t find the key to the cabin. Sarah decides to go to the mansion to help her look for it while Xander buys tickets for the ferry.

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In Kayla's office, Chad reads a document. Jack and the mystery woman look expectantly at him.

Chad and the mystery woman return to Kayla’s office. Kayla holds out an envelope with the results to the woman. She defers to Chad. Chad opens it.

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At night, Fiona drives as Brady lies passed out in the passenger seat. Sarah walks on a sidewalk in front of a store. As she drives, Fiona’s eyes travel between Brady and the road. Sarah looks up from her phone as bright lights shine on her face. She screams. “Oh my God!” Fiona exclaims as she sharply turns the wheel. The screen goes black as we hear a thud.

Fiona smirks while driving at night. In the passenger seat, Brady sits with his eyes closed and his head lolling to the side.

Next, on Days of Our Lives, Xander searches for Sarah, and Leo worries about Marlena.

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