General Hospital

General Hospital: Nikolas Is Not A Match for Lulu

Laura Receives Another Devastating Blow About Lulu — and Heather Finds a New Ally

Today on General Hospital, Dex offers Molly some advice, Ric orders Alexis to step up, and Tracy gives Dante a piece of her mind. 

Laura more bad news GH

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Dex is running through the park at night and spots Molly sitting alone on a bench. He goes over to check on her. At first, she says she’s okay but quickly says that it is a lie. She isn’t ready to face her family and is still putting herself together after the funeral. Molly admits she blew up at her mom and sister and said some awful things. Dex understands as he said terrible things to his family before he left and never looked back. However, there is still time for her, she can patch things up unlike him. Molly refuses to suck it up and apologize and go back to how things were. She’d rather have nothing rather than return to the status quo.

Molly and Dex talk GH

Dex says it always seemed like she and her mom had a great relationship. Molly admits, in many ways, they do, and by many measures, she’s the definition of a good mother. She knows others had it worse, and her mother loves her. Her mom raised a family on her own, and one individual only has so much energy to go around. When one member of the group can’t stand on their own, that member gets more love and more time, and the others learn to live with less.

Dex and Molly chat GH

Molly says her sister is a mess, and she’s always been one. She figured that out when she was young and learned to be perfect and excellent so her mom didn’t have to worry about her. If she asked for more from her mother, Kristina would suffer, and her mom would kill herself over that.

Dex reveals his dad abused his entire family, and his brothers grew up doing the same. He says his mom suffered the brunt of it and never left. He thinks if his mom left, she would feel nobody would go with her. He wishes he would have told her he was on her side, but he walked away. He says Molly has assumed her mom won’t help her, but she has never asked.

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At Alexis’, she’s on the phone talking to someone about her girls turning on one another when Ric shows up at her door. Alexis says Kristina is upstairs, so keep it down. He snarks about her taking care of Sonny’s offspring and not theirs. Ric tells Alexis that she’s been treating Molly as an afterthought. He says their daughter is in pain, and she has a chance to fix things, and she may not get another.

Alexis and Ric argue GH

Alexis isn’t going to take advice from an absentee daddy. Ric knows he hasn’t been around, but not to let that stop her from listening to him. He says Molly needs her as much as Kristina does. Molly needs to know that her mother is thinking about her, as she doesn’t feel it right now.

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Alexis says she hates that Molly feels that way, but Kristina is the one who is melting down and doesn’t possess the tools to navigate the troubles she’s facing without her, which includes the possibility of losing her freedom. She wishes she could be there for both her girls, but she is one person. She says both her girls are suffering, but Molly can handle it more profoundly than Kristina.

Ric and Alexis argue GH

Ric says Molly still thinks she chooses Kristina over her, which Alexis says she’d never do. He brings up the legal document, and Alexis insists that was a misunderstanding. She also points out that she has been in Molly’s life every day, unlike him. Alexis knows Molly needs her, and she wants to give her the help she needs, but Kristina needs her more right now, and Molly will understand that eventually. Ric asks, what if she doesn’t? Suddenly, Molly enters. Ric hopes Alexis is right gives Molly a kiss and heads out.

Molly wishes whatever her dad said, he didn’t, as she can fight her own battles. Alexis asks if she’s come by to work things out with her sister. Molly says, “No, with you.”

Molly and Alexis talk GH

They sit down. Molly says Kristina is a lost cause, as she won’t acknowledge she did anything wrong, so she has no hope for her. She hopes she can get more from her mother. Alexis listens to her. She knows she’s going through hell and will do anything to get her through to the other side. Molly wants the truth. She asks her mother if she would have helped Kristina take Irene away from her and TJ if she had lived.

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Alexis explains that Kristina came to her with the document and asked for her legal advice. She told her the same thing that she’s said from the beginning, and if Kristina took this to court, it would go her way. However, she also told Kristina that she would not get involved in this. She couldn’t give her a hard no, fearing losing Kristina. Now, she fears she’s going to lose Molly. She has three daughters she loves equally. Molly says she hasn’t lost her, and they embrace.

Portia checks in with Liz and Dione at the hospital’s nurses’ station. They are surprised she’s here after the funeral. A patient has been brought in from Pentonville, and Liz decides to handle it when she sees the folder.

Portia at the hospital GH

Carly and Joss arrive and ask Portia what she can tell them about their cousin Lulu. Portia explains the situation with Lulu’s liver, and she needs a transplant to live. Joss offers to be tested, but Portia says she was an organ recipient herself, so she is ineligible. Carly also offers to be tested, so Portia says she’ll get on that.

Carly and Joss check on Lulu GH

Portia approaches Dione about drawing Carly’s blood. Dione explains she’s on watch as Liz is still with a patient, but she can multitask and do both. Portia says, “The Pentonville one? What’s taking so long?”

Liz goes in to check on the patient, who turns out to be Heather. Heather is there to get some blood tests that Scott ordered. Heather asks Liz if she can keep a secret. She happily reveals that soon she’ll be free. Liz says she can’t keep quiet about an escape attempt. Heather says she is doing things the right way, the legal way. She reveals that Scott has taken her case, and he’s supposed to be here meeting her. Liz reveals nobody has seen Scott for days, and he’s missing.

Liz and Heather GH

Heather freaks out and says that she and Scott had plans, big plans. Portia enters and says, “You know what they say about plans, people make plans and God laughs, and so do I.” Portia asks why Heather is here. Liz explains Scott Baldwin ordered a blood test, and she’ll take care of it. Portia says there is no need, and she’ll be more than happy to take Heather’s blood.

Heather and Liz talk Scott GH

Liz steps out and talks to Carly about her wanting to be tested to help Lulu. They think back to what Joss went through, laugh about how far they’ve come, and can’t believe they are on friendly terms. Liz says it’s funny how awful things can tie people together. Ric appears, and Carly says, “Here comes one of those things now.” Carly asks why he’s here, and Ric explains he came to town for an infant’s funeral. She assumes his business is done so he can crawl back into the hole he came from. Ric says it’s always good to catch up with her, but he still has business in Port Charles.

Ric sees Carly and Liz GH

Back in Heather’s room, she tells Portia she has a very good bedside manner. Portia takes her job seriously and would never hurt her, as pain is not vengeance. Heather says pain was never her goal, believe it or not. Portia quips, “Ah yes, just a pesky side effect of that hip transplant.” Heather tries to explain that she was only trying to protect her daughter. Portia says that is what she is trying to do. Portia tells Heather that Scott is gone, so she’ll spend the rest of her days in Pentonville. Ric walks in and Portia tells him he can’t be here. He announces that Scott sent him, and he’s now Heather’s attorney. He asks Portia for a word alone with his client. Portia leaves, and Heather can’t believe this is happening. Ric says it is, so it’s time to get her out of prison and sue that company for all it’s worth.

Portia deals with Heather GH

Portia returns to the workstation, slams documents down on the desk, and holds Heather’s vial of blood in her hand.

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Dante finds Tracy sitting in the chapel and asks if he can join her. Tracy asks what she owes this visit to. He just wanted some company and to thank her for being here for Lulu. He knows she’s always had a special place in Lulu’s heart, and she stepped up for her many times. He credits Tracy for the person she became. Tracy lashes out, “She became a person I don’t recognize!”

Dante and Tracy talk GH

Dante says Lulu is the same person she was when she went into the coma. Tracy asks what he remembers about Lulu before the accident, back when they first met. He admits she could be trouble, and she took risks and kicked ass. Tracy says then she became cautious and timid. She cries that Lulu had spirit and determination and he robbed her of it.

Dante argues that he had PTSD, and he was sick. Tracy says he sought treatment, and that was good, but he also slept with her cousin, and he rejected Lulu’s help and love. Tracy says he shattered Lulu’s self-worth, and if she dies without regaining the spark she had, she’ll never forgive him. Dante can live without her forgiveness and says she can keep it for herself.

Dante and Tracy spar GH

Dante brings up Luke, and in his death, and that he probably thought of all Tracy’s promises to look after Lulu when his life flashed before his eyes. Tracy promised that she’d get Lulu the best treatment she could. However, Lulu has nothing to show for it.

Tracy scolds Dante GH

Dante and Tracy cool down. Dante admits she is right. Lulu warned him about walking away, but he was more terrified of what would happen if he stayed. He knows walking away was wrong, and she’s fading away, and there is nothing he can do about it.

Tracy stands by what she said, but she could use better timing, as beating up on him now accomplishes nothing. Dante knows she doesn’t have much use for him, but she’s important to Lulu, so she’s important to him. He knows she got Lulu through many tough times, and now Lulu needs her more than ever. Tracy cries, “She needs both of us.”

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Dex heads to the Metro Court. He sits in the alcove, looks at his phone, and appears conflicted over calling his mother. Later, Joss shows up to surprise him. He wasn’t sure he’d see her tonight. Joss explains it was too late to see Lulu, and there was nothing they could do there, so her mom said to go live her life. He knows it’s hard to turn the worry off. Joss says there is a chance Lulu will be okay, but there is a chance things could go wrong. He says they have to pray it goes the right way.

Dex and Joss GH

At Flatland Prison, Nikolas is brought out to see his mother. They are both in tears. They sit down, and he asks about Ace. Laura shares photos of him and gives him some updates on how he’s doing. He assumes something isn’t right, considering this last-minute visit. Laura says they have a problem with Lulu, and she needs him.

Nikolas and Laura GH

Nikolas has blood taken, and they wait for the results, which should be back within the hour. Nikolas remembers the first time he saw Lulu when she was sick. He still has the mark on his back from the bone marrow withdrawal. She remembers how he was there to support Lulu, a scared toddler. Nikolas thinks about how he promised to be there for his boys the same way, only he failed them. He wonders if he’ll ever get the chance to atone. Laura insists he’s getting that chance now. She says he will serve his time, save his sister, and come home to them.

Nikolas and Laura

The lab tech returns with the test, and Laura is stunned. Nikolas can’t help Lulu. His liver functionality doesn’t meet the level that Lulu needs. Nikolas doesn’t understand, he’s healthy and doesn’t drink. She says his liver is fine for him but not for Lulu. Nikolas says it will be okay. He reminds her that Lulu has other relatives, and he tells his mother to find Lucky and bring him home.

Laura hugs Nikolas GH

Next on General Hospital, Lucky and Isaiah attempt to escape. Brennan accuses Anna of badgering him. Laura wants the WSB to repay a favor. Tracy tells someone that she wants to help Lulu. In a hotel room somewhere, Ava looks at a bag and asks, “Who are you?” Cates meets with Sonny and says he is going to make all of his daughter’s troubles go away.

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