Days of our Lives

Eric Overhears a Confession — and as Kristen Prays for a Miracle, [Spoiler] Appears!

Today on Days of Our Lives, Holly and Tate call it quits, Brady is resigned to go to

Kristen and Brady at the station DAYS

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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At Titan, Xander sits at his desk and reads a story about Brady’s arrest on his tablet. Eric walks in and asks if he’s doing a victory dance. Xander says he has every reason to be happy seeing what Brady did to his wife.

Eric sits down and informs Xander that they’re going to have a chat. Eric wants to know why Xander was in his parents’ house last night, standing over his brother, who was dead to the world. Xander says he only went there to tell him that he would see that Brady would pay for what he did to Sarah. Eric asks how Brady got smashed, and Xander suspects the same way anyone does. Xander insists he was drunk when he walked in, and then the police arrived. Eric doesn’t believe a word he’s saying.

Eric says he was with Brady at the pub, and he wasn’t drinking. He recounts that Brady told him about his encounter with the stranger and how the man scratched his hand with his ring. Suddenly, Brady is home and blacked out. Xander asks what he’s implying, that he hired a man with a poison ring to drug Brady. He laughs, “This isn’t medieval times.” Eric says he knows what Xander did and accuses him of hiring a thug to do his dirty work, just like Victor would. Xander calls Eric delusional, but Eric intends to prove Xander had something to do with this. He guesses that Xander was planning to kill Brady, and the cops showed up before he could. Xander tells Eric to get the hell out of his office before he does security’s job for them. Eric walks out, leaving Xander fuming.

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Tate visits his dad at the police station. Brady is in the interrogation room, handcuffed to a chair. Brady is sorry his son had to see him the way he was last night but swears he wasn’t drunk. Tate asks how he can even say he wasn’t drinking. Brady says something knocked him out, but It wasn’t alcohol. He swore never to drink again after what happened to Sarah, and he wasn’t drinking last night. Tate says he believes him and is in his corner.

Brady hates the idea of Tate having both his parents in prison. Tate says he’ll be fine. Brady knows he has his grandparents. He asks about Holly. Tate reveals that Holly is very angry and doesn’t understand any of this. He can’t be with someone who can’t understand that he loves his father and will stand by him. He tells his dad that he found Holly searching his room for dirt on him. He also suspects Holly and EJ are teaming up, and he thinks EJ put Holly up to this, as they’ve been buddy-buddy since she learned about Eric.

Brady suspects EJ is using her anger as a weapon against him, so he advises his son not to be hard on Holly. Brady believes that, in the end, they’ll both need one another. Brady is proud of his son and thanks him for his compassion and kindness. Brady has to get going to catch up on schoolwork, and he tells his dad he’ll see him soon. Alone, Brady fumes about what EJ is doing.

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At the DiMera mansion, Kristen asks EJ what he was thinking having Brady arrested again, as he has no real evidence against him. EJ says she clearly hasn’t heard, but Sarah remembered it was Brady who hit her. He says Brady is finally going to pay for his crimes. Kristen says they both know Sarah is lying. Kristen reminds him that even Marlena couldn’t bring back Sarah’s memories, and this total recall after learning that Brady wouldn’t face charges is a little convenient.

EJ says Sarah is a Horton and a standup citizen. Kristen reminds him that Sarah lied twice about the paternity of her child. EJ thinks this is about Kristen still loving Brady, even though he detests her. Kristen informs him that she and Brady are getting closer, and Rachel would be devastated if her father went to jail. She says this is about hurting Brady to hurt Eric, and neither Brady nor Sarah made Nicole leave him. EJ seethes that even so, Brady crippled Sarah, so he’s going to make sure he pays! Kristen tells him, “We’ll see about that!” and she storms out.

Kristen arrives at the station to check on Brady. She blasts EJ for what he’s doing to him, but Brady says he deserves this. Kristen says he needs to fight, and she will fight with him. He tells her nothing more can be done, but Kristen has a plan. Kristen says she can make Sarah disappear again. Brady tells Kristen not to do anything and let justice take its course. Kristen can’t. She cries that Rachel needs him, and she needs and loves him too, so she’ll do whatever it takes to save him. She storms out.

Fiona takes Sarah to the park, and they sit and talk. Fiona wants to speak to her about what she told the police about Brady, and she knows she lied. Sarah asks why Fiona assumes she doesn’t remember Brady was driving the car. Fiona admits she heard her telling Xander she lied to the police. Fiona insists she wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. She asks why she lied. Sarah explains she had no choice, as Xander was going to kill Brady and make it look like a suicide. She had to lie to the police to save Brady and Xander. Fiona chokes back tears and cries this is her fault. Fiona has hurt her son, Sarah and Brady. Sarah tells her she’s not to blame for this, but Fiona admits she’s to blame for all of it.

Sarah asks Fiona why she thinks she’s to blame for this. Fiona says she was with Brady when he was drinking, and she should have seen the signs as a recovering alcoholic. She hopes Sarah can forgive her. Sarah says there is nothing to forgive, and what’s done is done. Sarah hated lying to the police, but Brady will face the consequences of his actions. Fiona’s never heard Sarah say she wants Brady to pay. Sarah didn’t at first, but the more time she thought about it, the more she believes that anyone who drives drunk should be punished. Sarah notes Brady hit her and just left her there.

Fiona tells Sarah how much she means to her. If not for her, she wouldn’t have come to Salem, reconciled with her son, and met her granddaughter. She tells Sarah she’s like a daughter to her, and they hug. Sarah loves her too, and says what they talked about needs to stay between them. Fiona understands and calls it their little secret. In the trees, Eric arrives and overhears them.

Back in Xander’s office, he pulls out the untraceable handgun he purchased. He says he’ll have no choice but to take matters into his own hands if the justice system doesn’t work.

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Back at the station, EJ shows up to see Brady. EJ knows his sister was here to see him, and he hopes she didn’t give him any hope. EJ says thanks to Sarah’s statatment, Kristen can’t keep him out of prison for the next twenty plus years.

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Kristen sits in the living room of the mansion and tells Stefano’ portrait that she knows John Black was his enemy, but Brady is a good man and she loves him. Kristen knows if her father was here, that he’d help her save him. She cries, “Of course you’re not here, and EJ has Sarah’s statement, and there is nothing I can do to get Brady out of this save for a mircle.” Suddenly, Dr. Rolf steps out of the secret passage. Kristen is stunned to see him.

In Horton Square, Holly is working on her laptop but tries to take off when she sees Sophia. Sophia calls to her and stop, and says she heard she has a new job working as a teen detective for the DA. Sophia heard all about her spy games from Tate, and calls it low even for her. She guesses her ex-step daddy put it up to it.

Holly asks how this is any of Sophia’s business. Sophia says Tate made it her business when he confided in her. Holly says she has every right to be angry as Tate’s dad drove drunk and crippled her aunt. Sophia asks how this is Tate’s fault, and it’s no wonder Tate comes to her for comfort given how she’s treating him. Holly knows Sophia has been trying to steal Tate for months. Sophia says she doesn’t have to steal him, she’s handing him over to her. Sophia says even her being sexually oppressed works to her advantage, and even if she put out, she wouldn’t be able to satisfy Tate like she can.

Holly slaps Sophia, when suddenly Tate appears and yells, “Holly! What are you doing?” He checks on Sophia, and then asks Holly what is the matter with her. Holly says Sophia started it, but Tate says she didn’t have to hit Sophia. Sophia tells Tate she did start it. Tate tells Sophia that she doesn’t have to take the blame for this, and Holly can’t believe Tate is taking her side. Sophia says she did start the argument, and she just feels bad for him and his dad. She says when she called Holly out for what she did, Holly slapped her. Holly argues that’s not what happened. Tate tells Holly to stop and she’s done enough damage. He says his dad told her to go easy on her, and that EJ was likely manipulating her, but he’s done. Holly asks if Tate is breaking up with her? Tate goes silent, so she calls him a coward who can’t even say it. Holly tells them they are done, and she and Sophia deserve one another.

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