Days of our Lives

As Xander Convinces Sarah to Take Kristen’s Offer, Eric Makes a Startling Discovery About Fiona

Wednesday, October 9, 2024: Today on Days of Our Lives, Xander offers Sarah hope, Eric zeroes in on Fiona and Stefan and Gabi say their final goodbyes. 

Days' Eric looks away from a distracted Fiona in small bar


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On today’s Days of Our Lives, Gabi tosses a magazine aside in disgust that she’s reading in her hospital bed when Melinda shows up to check on her. Gabi assures Melinda she’s doing OK and is set to be released today. That’s great, but Melinda brought Gabi Chic paperwork to sign… and Stefan asked her to draw up divorce papers.

But if Gabi wants her to turn Stefan down, she will. Gabi says they both agreed the marriage is over, so go ahead. She has her own counsel.

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EJ gleefully greets Stefan in the living room, thrilled that Brady’s “getting his just deserts.” They get into it over EJ sleeping with Gabi once again. EJ says it’s all moot, since they’re getting a divorce now — Gabi told him, “when I saw her last night.” Stefan says that he knows Gabi and she won’t want anything to do with him now that their marriage is over and revenge sex is no longer useful.

EJ, though, smirks as he asks why Stefan cares if the marriage is truly over. He won’t have her tied to someone like EJ. EJ turns to saying they all have to live civilly together — until she takes everything from Stefan. Stefan says that won’t happen. They talked, and he’d be surprised if Gabi ever stepped foot in the house again. Which she does before he can finish the sentence.

EJ laughs in Stefan’s face for being “colossally wrong.” He then tells Gabi he would have grabbed her himself if she’d let him know. He excuses himself, late for a meeting, leaving Gabi and Stefan alone. He asks how she is. Hanging in there, but she was a bit thrown by Stefan hiring Melinda — a corporate counselor.

Gabi figures it helps that his lawyer has a crush on him and would go to that mat for him. She’s in her rights to take as much of the family fortune as she can, but as Stefan said, there’s nothing left to fight for. She didn’t know he was there or come to see him. She just came to get her things. She’s moving out. For good.

So she goes off to do that, leaving a morose Stefan behind.

In the interrogation room at the SPD, Eric tells Brady that Holly’s visiting her mom in Paris — despite EJ working to poison the teen against Nicole. Talk turns to Brady’s plea deal, and he insists he’s pleading guilty. EJ offered him a reduced sentence — 10 years — in exchange for his guilty plea. He’s fine with it. He just needs to pay for what he did.

It feels wrong, he says, with Daniel’s heart in his chest. He squandered the gift. Eric, though, insists Brady has a future and he can atone for what he did. He won’t ever lose the guilt, but he’ll learn to live with it.

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Eric heads over to the pub to talk to his dad after. He knows there’s more to what happened, and things aren’t adding up. Sarah’s sudden memory is odd, Xander being at Brady’s when Jada showed up to arrest him is weird, Brady being adamant about not drinking before then — it’s all off.

Plus, he saw Sarah talking to Fiona about some kind of secret. “Is it possible somehow Fiona is connected to the accident?” Roman acknowledges it is, and she could have been with Brady that night. Eric has an idea.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah struggles to reach one of Victoria’s toys as the baby cries, and Fiona watches sadly from the doorway. The phone rings just then, and Sarah breaks down as she struggles to reach it and can’t. Fiona walks in and helps her out, comforting her as she insists she’s failing at everything.

Fiona tells her she’s remarkable carrying herself through this. There’s no failing. Sarah says she and Xander are so grateful for Fiona being there for them and thanks her for not telling the police about her lie. She would never have done that if she had any doubt Brady was the one driving. She just wishes she could actually remember him.

As Victoria falls asleep, Sarah asks for some time alone with her daughter to prove that she can do this. Fiona understands and leaves, pausing sadly in the hall as she hears Sarah start to cry again.

Titan growls at someone on the phone in his office at Titan just as Kristen walks in. She wants to know when he’ll get Brady out of jail. “How about never?” Kristen reminds Xander that Sarah will only get out of her chair if Xander frees Brady. He, though, doesn’t believe her. And he doens’t want Sarah to be Dr. Rolf’s guinea pig — if the “potion” even exists.

Kristen says it does and it’s just about ready. And Rolf used a related drug on Marlena, Kayla, Kate and Bo. But when Xander asks to be taken to his lab for proof, she laughs at him. There’s no freebies, but he’ll give him clinical data for Sarah to look over. But he has to get Sarah to recant her statement and free Brady. It’s that, or it’ll be Xander’s fault she never walks again.

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More: Paul Telfer on Xander’s coming anger towards Fiona

Xander gets home to find Sarah upset and she tells him what happened and how stressed she is. “I hate it. I felt so helpless.” She shouldn’t have let herself get that upset. There are plenty of parents with disabilities who manage, and it’s a fact of life for her. There’s nothing she can do about it. “That’s not necessarily true.”

He fills her in, and she’s taken aback, laughing at the idea of a serum from Dr. Rolf and “data” to look over. “Is it written in comic sans?” He insists it’s real, but Sarah wants to know why Kristen would help them. “What’s the catch,” she asks with fake cheer. Xander tells her the catch. “Excuse me?!”

She needs to think about it, but Xander says it has to happen before Brady’s hearing tomorrow. It’s a limited time offer. A short time later, EJ shows up, demanding to know what this is about. He tells them about Brady’s plea deal, but Xander stops him.

Fiona, meanwhile, stops by to visit a surprised Brady. She has a confession to make. She lied to Xander about being sober when she showed up. It was the only way he let her back into his and Sarah’s life. They’ve brought her joy, but watching Sarah suffer has made her realize — just then Kristen bursts in demanding to know who she is.

Brady introduces them, and Kristen demands to know what she’s doing there. Fiona stands up snaps that she was about to tell Brady how happy she is he’s going to pay and says goodbye. Kristen’s offended, but she tells him he’s getting out of there — and soon.

In the show’s final moments, Stefan and Gabi say a sad goodbye. He asks where she’s staying, but Gabi says if his lawyer needs to get in touch, Melinda sees her every day. They both hold back tears as they say one more goodbye. “Don’t worry, Stefan, this will be the last time,” Gabi says, crying openly now. She touches his face, grabs his hand, and walks out.

Brady tells Kristen to knock off whatever she’s thinking about doing. She assures him she’s not hurting Sarah — in fact, she’s helping her. Rather than tell him what’s happening, Kristen just smirks, “You’ll see,” and slips out the door.

Xander tells EJ that Sarah is no longer confident in her statement. “Is that so, Sarah?” EJ asks through practically gritted teeth. She’s not sure, but he says she seemed it at the time. Yeaaaah, but the image isn’t clear. She might have dreamt it. Xander mentions Sarah has been taking a cocktail of medications.

“Alright, alright, alright!” What are they saying, EJ demands. “I would like to recant my statement.” Like hell she will. Xander and Sarah look at each other in surprise.

Days' Fiona looks at her phone intently at small bar


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Eric arrives at Small Bar and asks the server if he recognizes Brady. “Hard to forget that face.” He was getting hammered acting like a jackass the night Sarah was hit. Eric demands to know why he let someone that drunk leave. “That lady said she had it under control.” What lady?? He shows the guy a photo of Fiona, who tells Eric they left together.

And just then, Fiona arrives, distracted by her phone.

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