Days of our Lives

Days of Our Lives Exodus: With *Five* Departures Set Up, the Show Looks to Be Cleaning House

Days mashup Dimitri, Stefan, Gabi, Theresa and Gwen

Oh, what a tangled web we weave. Days of Our Lives is going through some changes, and as a number of storylines began to come to a head this week, I’ve got a feeling they’re all setting us up for a slew of Salem exits — some we knew, and others we didn’t! And it actually may be more than five departures, but the rest are folks we knew were just stopping in for temporary visits. And we’re not even in November sweeps yet!

Beginning of the End

This week showed why Jada should be police commissioner. She put the clues together in seconds that Talia and Shawn slept together. Not that it was that hard after she caught onto Shawn’s lie. Then again, I suppose the police force needs some decent detectives and God knows Shawn isn’t fitting the bill right now. I’m just really hoping that the clincher that ends up driving both Belle and Talia off is this fling coming out and not Talia becoming pregnant.

With a tortured expression, Shawn sits up shirtless in bed. Covering her face next to him, Talia leans her elbows to her knees.

Because judging by the fact that Aketra Sevillian’s not filming anymore, there’s not enough time to have a baby, which would probably mean she’d either lose it or abort it. And doing that to both Hunter sisters would be horrendous.

At this point, I doubt Shawn’s going to be the one to tell Belle what happened. He had his chance and he lied to her face. However this goes down, with both Talia and Belle leaving the show, it’s gotta be messy.

The Power of Denial

OK. I can understand EJ assuming that Ava’s just making up Susan being alive to save her own skin, but if I were him, was a DiMera and lived in Salem as long as he has (not to mention come back from the dead like he has!), I would pull back on the murdering the second I got the news — at least until I got to the bottom of Ava’s claims. But I’m not EJ. He’s stubborn and controlling, so… carry on, I guess, and hope you don’t kill Ava before she finds your mother?

Resting a hand on his shoulder, a serious looking EJ leans toward Johnny. Johnny stares at him with tense features.

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Elsewhere, Tripp and Wendy are getting their comeuppances for helping Ava. Maybe this will make them a bit more interesting. I know I’m glad to see Wendy got a bit of her spark back with her snooping and going up against EJ! But brilliant as she is (she magically forged holographic passports with a home printer!), she never stood a chance. EJ caught her, baited her and fired her.

Maybe it’s time to head over to Titan? Li’s no longer with DiMera (speaking of which, where is Li? He and Melinda have vanished) and Wendy’s no longer with Johnny, so why not hook up with the other major Salem corporation? After all, Vivian could use some help her master plan! Ha.

Sorry, I couldn’t use “master plan” with a straight face.

Breaking Bad: The Vivian Years

I’m with Stephanie. What in the world is Vivian thinking? If you’re going to be dealing in illegal drugs, spelling out what you’re doing makes zero sense. Did she really think Chad would go along with it, or John when she approached him? (Or her first and only choice, Philip. Or her other first and only choice, Alex. Yeah, that tickled me.) I don’t get what her plan is.

Sitting behind the Titan desk, a glowering Vivian spreads her hands out to Chad. He stands before her with his hands in his pockets, smirking.

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All in all, I’m feeling a bit underwhelmed by her return. There’s so much more she could be doing, so many more folks she could be mixing it up with and instead she just moved into the mansion (which we’ve hardly seen the repercussions of) and took over Titan… to run drugs? Plus, now that Maggie and Justin have the will, it looks like Vivian’s already on her way out and she’s barely done anything.

Speaking of the will, we all know the big news that the show’s about to break that Alex is Victor’s son. We all know he’s not my favorite. But I also think there’s a good chance that it’s all a hoax and Alex isn’t the heir. Which you can read more about here. And if my theory about Theresa is right, she is good. She’s playing Alex like a fiddle.

We Can’t Have Nice Things

Xander’s realization about Chloe after his dream was wonderful. It’s what I noticed and mentioned during the birth too. She wasn’t jealous, she was just there to help. Sigh. Goodbye, “Xoe,” you were nice while you lasted.

From afar, Chloe observes Rex and Philip engaged in serious conversation in the Square. A white garment bag drapes over her arm.

There’s no way Chloe’s going through with the wedding now, right? And I don’t see her keeping this secret from Xander just to keep him to herself. So that probably (hopefully) means Rex and Sarah’s wedding won’t happen either. I couldn’t love Maggie more for calling the sham wedding as it is!

Rex, dude, you’re never going to get Sarah’s love, just move on. But after Vivian’s big push with Philip, does this mean he and Chloe are heading back together? He’s not sticking on a regular basis, which has me a bit worried Chloe might be leaving town with him if they do reunite.

One Last Chance

I had such high hopes for last Friday’s cliffhanger and Gwen’s big reveal, but instead of barreling forward, the show just slowed it down to a crawl. Did we need an entire day of rehashing what happened just to get to her seeing Leo and Dimitri hooking up? I’m glad she admitted to being naïve and foolish, but it doesn’t make me feel better at how oblivious she was.

Nor do I love that it took Kristen to suggest that they get revenge on the boys. I wish Gwen had already been planning this — and upon finding out Kristen knew and didn’t tell her, was planning something for her too! Burn it all down! If Dimitri hadn’t ticked off Kristen, she would’ve gone on keeping Gwen in the dark. At least as far as she knew.

Kristen and Gwen grin while facing each other.

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But there’s still time to pull this story up at the last moment because I’m curious about how Dimitri’s intended hit on Stefan and Gabi is going to tie into Kristen and Gwen’s revenge. This all has to be coming to a huge head, probably costing us in some way or another Gabi and Gwen. But would the show kill either of them? Both of them?

I hope Vivian ties back into this more too. Alamain, Van Leuschner, DiMera, betrayals, counter betrayals and counter-counter betrayals — come on, Days, all the ingredients are there for something explosive! Just make it work, please!

Stray Thoughts…

• Really, Shane? Leaving the briefcase with Theresa and not telling anyone else about it was the right move? Do you not know your own daughter at all?!

Shane looks disapprovingly at Theresa.

• I’m dying to know who makes the drinks in Salem. The amount of times folks have blacked out and slept together while drunk has got to be some sort of record.

• “EJ, I can’t tell if you’re lying to me out of habit or to protect me.” How about both, Nicole?

• It was nice to see Ava look back on Jake. Their romance was rushed, but if the show insisted it was a great love, then commit and treat it like that.

• Congrats, Dimitri, you love Leo. You’re still a sociopath.

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