Days of our Lives

Going, Going… Gone? Days of Our Lives’ Revolving Door Set To Usher Three Players Off the Canvas

Days mashup Alex, Theresa hugging Tate, Nicole hugging Holly Brady

And just like that, Days of Our Lives‘ looks like they may be letting go of three more characters! First, there’s poor Tate. The Days of Our Lives teen hasn’t had it easy since he got back to Salem, pining after Holly as she just wanted Johnny, taking the fall for the coma she lapsed into for overdosing on drugs.

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The good news is, Justin managed to get Tate out of prison. The bad? He’s being sent away to rehab he really doesn’t need, at a distant facility that doesn’t allow any contact with the outside world for the first month. In other words, it looks like Tate’s gone… for now!

Brady and Theresa face Tate with concern at the police station. Brady reaches a hand to Tate's suit covered shoulder.

And then there’s Holly, who’s been in a coma since New Year’s Eve. EJ and Nicole have discussed sending her off for treatment in Italy — after all, that’s where EJ was brought back from the brink of death and given a new shot at life. And, according to spoilers, Holly’s loved ones are gathering to say goodbye as she’s sent off for treatment on Friday. That would make farewell number two.

It makes a bit of sense as they were the only two scenes on the canvas lately. If one character is sent off, there isn’t much for the other to do and now that the holidays are over, younger viewers are likely more occupied with school once again. This doesn’t mean it’s the last we’ll see of them… but between a coma and a no-contact facility, it seems like it may be a bit before they’re back.

With Holly hooked up to a ventilator, a gaping Eric and Nicole hold her hand.

But finally, we’ve got Theresa. Spoilers also have her packing next week as Alex tries to convince her to stay — and this is after he catches her smooching Brady! We knew Emily O’Brien wasn’t going to stay in this role permanently, and it seems like between her growing closeness to Brady and Tate being sent off, she might have decided it’s time to ditch this long con and leave to be near her son — even if she can’t see him at first.

Theresa, after all, has fewer ties keeping her in Salem, and she and Brady may want someone near Tate in case anything happens. Konstantin, we’re sure, would be just as happy if she left. He doesn’t need her to get Alex’s money since he’s got his eyes on Maggie’s and she’s mostly just a liability with her occasional pesky pangs of morality.

Brady and Theresa clasp hands across the interrogation room table.

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If that’s the case, though, this is certainly not how we saw Theresa heading out of town! With that said, while it seems like Tate and Holly may be back at some point, it’s tough to imagine that the truth about Alex, Xander and Konstantin’s con would come out without Theresa around. So even if Theresa’s heading out of town, we may not want to count her out just yet.

Plus, even if Theresa does exit, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of O’Brien, whose Gwen could make her return to Salem at any time!

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