General Hospital

General Hospital Isn’t *Really* Going There With Anna and Jason, Is It? — Plus, What Will Ned’s Next Move Be?

Forbidden Kisses on General Hospital

Out of Africa… Almost!

The race to save Lucky, which as I noted last week is so far a dud of a storyline, continued without any sightings of Kevin and Laura. They made a wrong turn somewhere and must be lost in the rainforests of Central Africa. Actually, Anna finally mentioned them to Lucky in Friday’s episode. Then, there was Sidwell forcing Jason and Lucky to play a deadly poker game with everyone’s lives on the line, leading to Anna and Jason facing their own mortality. So what did they do? They kissed!

Jason and Anna's kiss GH

I’m going to guess that Jason and Anna are not what most of the viewing audience asked for or even wanted. Though if you are here for it, be sure to comment below! Immediately, many viewers assumed the kiss was to distract the coming guards. However, that guess didn’t pan out. It was a real kiss. So, what are the future ramifications of this?

Jason is Robin’s ex-boyfriend, and they are still good friends. Then, there is the fact that this connection to Anna could very well test Jason’s loyalty to Sonny. And, of course, what about Valentin? We know he’ll be back on screen at some point, so what does this mean for him and Anna? Oh, and if Jason and Anna are going to become an item, I suggest we call them “Annason.” It just sounds like some nasty fungus or medication to me.

Sidwell and Holly GH

After several weeks of playing poker, Friday’s episode finally brought real action over in Africa as Brennan sent in drones to blow up Sidwell’s compound, allowing the Port Charles gang to escape. It looked like Africa was behind us, but then Holly had to get greedy and steal Sidwell’s diamond, so he’s going to pursue her and the others back to Port Charles, it appears. Seriously? This storyline arc has been a bust, and it should have ended with Sidwell getting blown up and the others escaping. Now, we have to endure more of this lunatic!

More: About that kiss!

An Innocent Woman

Many viewers are already hopping on team Alexis and Martin. Given this is Michael E. Knight we are talking about, Martin will likely escape Alexis’ kiss of death with men lately, and who knows, he could turn out to be the one for her! I loved that he was so quick to suggest they throw Sonny, the man paying his bill, under the bus to save Alexis. But seriously, are Sonny, Michael and Carly going to let Alexis fry if it comes to it?

Sam’s showdown with Carly was great, but Carly, as usual, made excuses and claimed Alexis was smart and would get herself out of this. Now it looks like they are back to being frenemies. That is, at least for what time Sam has left. I’m still guessing she’s going to die diving for that gun, which is going to leave a lot of guilt-ridden people if that happens because then her death could have been prevented by the lot of them.

Alexis gets advised by MArtin GH

I also can’t help but think, WWJD? That’s “What will Jason do?” by the way. He’s never been Alexis’ favorite person, but will his loyalty to Sonny allow him to send his kid’s grandma to jail, or worse, death row? All these people protecting Sonny while an innocent woman’s life is on the line is irking me, and not in a “This is good soap drama” way. I’ve never wanted to see Sonny behind bars as badly as I do right now. And he’s committed a lot of crimes. (These are just the highlights of the mobster’s rap sheet.)

Jason and Sonny talk GH

Those Crazy Quartermaines

So little James finally spilled the beans about Drew and Willow’s kiss to Ned. Did that conversation come out of nowhere, or what? Honestly, I had forgotten James knew about the kiss, probably because I’d like to forget about Drew and Willow, period. However, everyone thinking this means they’ll be exposed shouldn’t get too excited yet. This is Ned, and he will likely use what he knows to blackmail Drew into siding with him to be ELQ’s CEO. Plus, there is no way their secret is coming out now because they haven’t had sex yet, and we all know that is going to happen.

More: Lucas Jones returns, but with a new face!

Interrupting Drew, Ned and Michael GH

Tracy and Stella’s friendship is a magical pairing, as Stella doesn’t put up with any of Tracy’s BS. She calls her out and isn’t afraid to put her in her place. Tracy’s visit to apologize to Cody and Sasha was another bit of poor timing, as the couple was again interrupted in the throes of passion. I was so glad that after apologizing to them, Tracy told them to find a room with a door that locks. Seriously, these two need to check into the Metro Court so they aren’t disturbed for what, a fourth time now? Then again, I’m sure Carly or Olivia will find a way to barge in on them there!

Tracy is sorry. Sasha and Cody GH

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Final Ponderings

There has been a lot of foreshadowing that Irene/Adela’s death could be the nail in Molly and TJ’s coffin. Now, as he confided to Stella, TJ is back to being angry and resenting Molly again. Frankly, I’m angry this storyline is taking up as much screen time as it is.

So Portia did change Heather’s tests to keep her locked up in Pentonville. As some viewers have commented, she will probably pin this one on Brad, but I can’t wait for the almighty Portia to fall and get kicked to the curb by General Hospital. Chief of Staff Terry has a nice ring to it!

Portia stares intently at Trina at Cafe Cherie

More: Has Portia doomed herself?

Out of the blue, Elizabeth mentioned that her brother Steven was finally out of prison but in Arizona, to keep away from Heather. So that means Steven will be in Port Charles by the end of the year, possibly as the 2025 New Year’s Eve surprise cliffhanger. The part of Steven Webber will now be played by Roger Howarth…

I do not like that Chase investigating Cates’ murder is putting a strain on his and Dante’s friendship.

Martin was gone for so long that he appears to have lost his accent along with his facial hair.

MArtin talks to Sonny GH

As Natalia confided to Sonny, her past is filled with things that have scared potential suitors away. It’s a good thing Sonny isn’t like most people! Scratch that. Why does this smell like a major storyline coming for Natalia, a character that so many dislike? I’d accept it only if it somehow brings Allison/Blaze back!

More: Dr. Heron returns to Grey’s Anatomy!

That’s it for my thoughts, opinions and predictions this week. As always, head to those comments and tell me yours!

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