General Hospital

Blaze Leaves Port Charles to Go On Tour — and Cates Plans a Trap for Sonny

Blaze Leaves Port Charles to Go On Tour — and Cates Plans a Trap for Sonny

Tuesday, August 13, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Kristina promises Molly that Ava will pay, Ava makes bail, and Brennan continues to charm Carly. 

Blaze leaves town GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

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In his room at the Metro Court, Anna accuses Brennan of making the FBI’s evidence on Carly disappear. She asks what he wants from Carly. He admits to nothing other than enjoying Carly’s company. Anna knows he’s working on something. Why else would the WSB open a station here? He agrees she’s right about that. The WSB does nothing without a motive.

Brennan and Anna argue GH

Brennan admits he doesn’t know what the WSB’s motives are, as he’s just a lowly agent now after his demotion and is following their orders. Anna asks about Valentin, wondering if he’s cozied up on a beach somewhere with Charlotte. He notes that if Valentin is, it is because someone tipped him off, and he could get away. He asks Anna whose side she is on. Anna says, “Whose side indeed!” She exits.

Anna makes an accusation GH

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In the restaurant, Carly is working with Trish when Scott, Ava, and Cates walk in to celibate Ava making bail. Carly confronts them and asks how Ava is not in jail. Ava said she plead not guilty and was given bail. Carly can’t believe she’s here acting like nothing happened, Kristina could have died, and Kristina’s baby did die. Ava says that was a tragedy, but it wasn’t her fault. Ava explains she’s here to gather her things. Carly says she can’t, as her suite is a crime scene and locked up. Carly also informs Ava that she has to find other accommodations as they are booked. Cates asks if they can at least get a table. Carly says she’ll send someone over.

Carly confronts Ava GH

Ava, Scott, and Cates sit at a table and toast to Ava’s freedom. Ava says she was surprised that Cates testified at her hearing that she’s involved in an ongoing investigation. Carly overhears and wonders if the FBI knows about this investigation or if it is just Cates wanting to take down Sonny.

Ava Scott and Cates toast GH

Cates says his job is to arrest criminals. Carly says he’s pursuing a vendetta and tells Ava that Cate’s using her just like he used her and Jason. She tells Cates he doesn’t care about justice, the law, or even his son. Cates warns her not to mention his son! She asks where he’s been living for the past several months. Where his son lives, or where Sonny lives? She says it’s only a matter of time before the FBI finds out what he’s doing.

Carly pushes Cates GH

Carly walks off, and Scott splits because this celebration has turned sour. Ava tells Cates not to let Carly get to him, as Sonny has had her brainwashed for decades. Ava also tells him that Sonny sent Jason to intimidate her in lock-up, and she’s afraid her life is in danger. Ava says Jason accused her of replacing Sonny’s meds, which she didn’t do, but Jason and Sonny know about the placebos. Cates says Clemens, the pharmacist, is safe. He asks if she will tell him who switched the meds. Ava admits she doesn’t know, but don’t tell Sonny that.

Ava is afraid GH

Brennan walks into the restaurant, and Cates sees him and mutters that he can’t believe he’s not in prison. Brennan heads to the bar and asks if Carly is still there. Later, Carly meets Brennan, and he invites her back to his suite to continue their dinner. She thinks that’s a bad idea. He asks if he can buy her a drink here, and she agrees.

Brennan and Carly toast GH

They toast to new friends, and she asks why he’s in Port Charles. He reiterates what Anna said is true and that he is the new WSB chief in town. He admits he was given his choice of postings, here or in Bali. Carly can’t believe he chose Port Charles. He says when you’ve seen one tropical paradise, you’ve seen them all. Plus, he adds, “You are here.” She calls that a line. He claims it’s the truth.

Brennan charms carly GH

Meanwhile, Ava can see Brenna has Cates spooked. Cates says it’s nothing and gets back to Sonny. He reveals when the time is right, he’s going to lead Sonny right to the pharmacist. Cates plans to use the pharmacist as bait, and he’ll arrest Sonny before he can do anything to harm him.

Cates has a plan GH

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At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy has a tea party with Violet and her stuffed animals. Violet says her tea set is the most beautiful she’s ever seen. Tracy reveals it was her mother’s. Violet says there are a lot of pictures of her mother around, and she was so pretty. Tracy says she was, and she was very nice and kind. Violet wonders why, then, did she argue with her all the time? Tracy says it’s what families do, and as Quartermaines, they do it even more than others. Tracy says no argument with her mother lasted long, as everyone loved her, and she always got her way.

Tracy and Violet have tea GH

Their discussion turns to animals. Violet doesn’t understand why Tracy doesn’t like Annabelle II. Tracy rants that the dog is given free rein to run wild in a house full of antiques. Tracy jokes they might as well set an obstacle course up in the front yard. Violet loves the idea and says they should ask Monica. Tracy says no because Monica would probably say yes. Violet says, “It is Monica’s house, Alan gave it to her.” Tracy snaps her brother was too generous for his good. Violet thought generosity was a good thing. Tracy says her brother was a good man, but he liked to make other people happy over himself, and that can be exhausting. Violet has seen his photos, and Monica said he was a doctor, and they were very much in love. Tracy confirms they were a perfect match, but Alan giving Monica the house was a stretch. Violet notes that they wouldn’t have a place to live if he didn’t. Tracy admits that is true and asks who told her about Alan giving Monica the house. Violet reveals, “Everybody!”

Violet and Tracy talk GH

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At the hospital, Blaze tells Kristina she can’t go on tour now, not after what she’s been through. Kristina says this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she can’t say no to. Blaze says that’s precisely what she is saying. Blaze asks Kristina why she is pushing her away and that she loves her so much. Kristina says if she really does love her, then she has to leave.

Blaze and Kristina talk GH

Kristina cries that she loved her baby so much, and now she’s gone. She feels empty and has no love to give anyone right now. She thinks it’s unfair to Blaze to give up something great when staying here with her could make her life miserable. Blaze believes they could navigate through this together. Kristina cries even if that could happen, in time, she’ll end up hating her or at least resenting her for giving up what could have been. Blaze says that won’t happen, but Kristina knows some part of her wants to go on that tour. Blaze admits she does, but she feels Kristina is making her choose her career over her. Kristina admits she is, and that Blaze must live her best life, and right now that’s not with her.

Kristina tells Blaze to go GH

Blaze finally agrees to go, but if she needs her, she’s a phone call away. Blaze says after the tour ends… Kristina stops her and says they won’t make any plans now. She can’t guess what her life will be like down the road, and she can’t put a timeline on grieving. Blaze asks if they can at least check in on one another. Kristina agrees they can, and she wants her to be happy and live her life. Blaze cries that she’s going to miss her so much. Kristina knows she’ll be doing what she’s born to do, and watching her soar will make her so happy. Kristina says she’ll be so proud of her. They kiss, and Blaze leaves in tears. Alone, Kristina sobs.

Blaze kisses Kristina bye GH

Later, Molly visits her sister. Molly tells her about the visit to the cemetery with TJ, and that she visited Ava in jail. She wants to make sure Ava pays. Kristina promises her that Ava will pay. Kristina shows her sister the photos of Ava “pushing” her through the window.  Kristina tells her about their argument and everything they said to one another. As Kristina rattles on about the argument, Molly seemingly goes into a trance as she stares at the photos on Kristina’s phone.

Molly in a daze GH

Blaze is in a car with her mother as they arrive at the airport. Natalia tells her daughter she hasn’t said anything the entire ride. Natalia knows leaving Kristina and Port Charles will be difficult, but she can’t pass up this tour. Blaze says she had no choice and that her mother won.

NAtalia and Blaze GH

Natalia tells Blaze she has things to settle in Port Charles, but she’ll join her in Europe. Blaze says she won’t. Blaze tells her mother she got what she wanted, Kristina broke up with her, so she’s breaking up with her. Blaze tells her mother, “You are fired!”

Blaze fires her mother GH

Blaze blasts her mother for always being her parent, even in business, but as her business manager, she works for her. So, she’s fired! Blaze exits the car.

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Jason meets with Sonny at his place. He tells him that Ava claims she knew his pills were switched, but she didn’t do it. She said she knew who did it, and if she was truthful, Sonny could have another enemy. Sonny thinks Ava had access to his pills while living here, but Jason suggests the switch may not have happened here. Sonny says it must have been at the pharmacy and asks Jason to investigate there.

Jason and Sonny talk GH

They are interrupted by a call. Sonny tells Jason he has good news: Ava made bail. With Ava out of jail, it is easier to even the score. He comments about the pain in Kristina’s eyes after she lost her baby, and that he never thought she had that level of hate in her when she asked him to take care of Ava. He notes Alexis warned him not to do it, as it would weigh on Kristina’s soul. However, if Kristina has to go through a lengthy trial and Ava walks, it will be worse for her. Sonny says Kristina deserves peace. Jason asks what he’s going to do. Sonny can’t do anything while the cops and Cates watch over Ava, so he has to bide his time. Jason asks if Kristina might do something, but Sonny doesn’t think Kristina has it in her to kill Ava.

Sonny's new enemy GH

Anna arrives to see Sonny, and says she learned Ava made bail. She warns Sonny that if anything happens to Ava, she’ll come down on him with the full force of the law. Sonny swears he will not touch a hair on Ava’s head.

Anna warns Sonny GH

Anna asks why she should believe him. He claims Ava isn’t a priority and that Donna, Avery, and Kristina are. She tells him to see that Ava doesn’t become a priority. Sonny tells Anna that he knows he’s been out of line lately, and he’s handling it. Anna is glad he’s getting better, but she still has a job to do. Sonny tells her she doesn’t have to worry. Anna heads out.

Anna has questions for Sonny GH

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Jason assumes Ava is off-limits now. Sonny says they still have the photos against her, and once she’s in prison… Sonny notes, “Well, bad things happen in prison!” They get back to Ava’s claim that he has another enemy. Sonny says Ava can wait, and he needs to focus on whether someone is actively coming after him. He says when Ava’s time does come, the last words she will hear are, “This is for Kristina and her baby.”

Next on General Hospital, Drew and Nina wake up in bed together. Tracy plans to take Cody for a ride. Natalia tells Sonny there is no reason for her to stay in Port Charles, so he offers to give her a reason.

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