Little Couple

20 Secrets Only TLC Knows About The Little Couple

Little Couple's Dr Jen Arnold shares new update and photo of son Will, 13,  after backlash for his 'inappropriate' TikTok | The US Sun

Having aired 11 seasons and over 130 episodes, TLC would like to keep a few things about the cast and the show on the down-low.

TLC’s The Little Couple is a hit reality TV series that follows the day-to-day lives of couple Bill Klein and Dr. Jennifer Arnold and their medical struggles with a rare medical condition called skeletal dysplasia (dwarfism). The show revolves around the adventures of their two adopted children, William, and Zoey who have dwarfism as well.

Having aired 11 seasons and over 130 episodes, TLC would like to keep a few things about the cast and the show on the down-low, mainly because of privacy issues or controversy. Here are 20 secrets only TLC knows about The Little Couple:

20The Show’s Production Team Faced Legal Issues

The Little Couple has had its own share of drama, this time not with the cast but with the production team. Back in 2016, reports that Discovery Communications, the company that owns TLC, was investigating the independent production company LMNO for alleged embezzlement and extortion. This paused all production for two years until the two reached an agreement.

19The Couple Once Sued Their Production Company

The legal battle between LMNO and Discovery Communications really took a toll on couple Bill Klein and Jennifer Arnold. Their show had been paused for two years and they had had enough and therefore decided to side with Discovery and sue the production company for compensatory damages and emotional distress as pointed out by thelist. Fortunately, they reached an agreement and the show was back on the air.

18Many Of The Events On The Show Are Staged

Another secret only TLC knows about the show is that many events like birthdays, special dinners and anniversaries on the show are staged for the cameras. Jen revealed on thelist that events held in front of the cameras do not really matter to them and that is why they prefer celebrating in private and then staging it for TV.

17Young Bill Struggled So Much As A Result Of His Condition

Not everyone understands dwarfism and because of that, many people bullied and made fun of Bill for his height and condition. According to Huffpost, Bill admitted that after years of people mistreating him, he sank into depression and even contemplated ending his life while in college. The good thing is he did not follow through with his plan because he is now doing well.

16Bill Got Into Questionable Behaviour

Growing up less than four feet tall was difficult for Bill in his teenage years and a secret TLC would like to keep to themselves is how Bill has struggled with questionable behavior. As mention on thelist, Bill resulted in questionable behavior in order to cope with his problems. After he realized these vices were not going to solve anything, he decided to do away with them. He is now an amazing father and husband.

15Many Of Their Hard Times Are Not Featured On The Show

When watching the show, it might look like Bill and Jen have a perfect life. However, the duo revealed in their second book, Think Big, that their most trying times are not featured on the show; they happen in private as thethings points out. Which is unfortunate because this is what fans would like to see and associate with.

14Production Was Not Allowed To Film Jennifer At Work

Another secret only TLC knows is that production really struggled to get approval to film Jen at work. By then, Jen was working as a neonatologist at the Texas Children’s Hospital. According to thelist, the hospital administration was hesitant to allow filming within their premises but eventually, the production team got permission.

13They Have Secrets To Their Happy Marriage

Part of the reason couple Bill and Jen portray a blissful marriage is because they follow some rules they have set for themselves. According to People, the duo shared rules that have helped them in their marriage, one, they never sleep mad at each other. Arnold also emphasized other rules like spending time together and knowing that Jen is always right.

12The Real Reason Behind The Kids Not Appearing Constantly On The Show

Kids, William and Zoey melt our hearts when they appear on the show. However, they hardly ever appear because their parents want them to grow up like other normal kids. According to thelist, Bill expressed that they want their kids to experience life and not let it be something they have to for the cameras. Therefore, they only appear on the show when they want to.

11Struggles With Parenthood

Jen and Bill are not afraid to share that they too have had challenges when it comes to parenting. The duo adopted both of their kids and when they brought them home, they really struggled to bond with them amidst their health challenges. During that period, Bill had to go for back surgery and Jen was battling cancer as revealed by entertainmentdaily.

10The Couple Has Been Criticized For Adopting Two Kids At Once

Couple Bill and Jen received a lot of backlash from viewers for adopting two kids within a short period. As stated on thelist, Zoey’s adoption was not part of the plan, Jen received a phone call about her adopting when they were still finalizing on Will’s adopting and they decided to have them both.

9The Show Has Been Slammed By Viewers With Similar Health Conditions

As thelist points out, viewers with similar health conditions have slammed The Little Couple because they believe the show portrays them as being different from others just because they have dwarfism. Even if the show has good intentions, it is exploiting their medical condition for ratings and entertainment.

8Jen Was Discriminated Against When Applying To University

Joining university at just four feet tall was one of the hardest things for Jen. According to therichest, when she was applying for medical school, Jen first interviewed at the University of Miami where she faced discrimination because of her height. Luckily, she got admission to Johns Hopkins Medical School where she began her neonatologist journey.

7People Usually Address Bill Wrongly

People sometimes address Bill Klein by his wife’s last name, Arnolds, instead of his own, Klein. You would think this would annoy him but that is not the case. According to newravel, the father of two does not mind other people calling him by his wife’s surname and never corrects people when they make that mistake.

6Jen Has Gone Through So Many Operations Since Birth

Due to her medical condition, skeletal dysplasia, Jen has gone under the knife over 30 times in her lifetime. According to therichest, she spent a good chunk of her childhood and teenage days in and out of the hospital, which forced her to miss a lot of schoolwork. Fortunately, she managed to catch on and became a successful doctor.

5Jen Had To Take A Break From Work Due To Cancer

Even after undergoing the multitude of operations growing up, Jen faced even more challenges as an adult when she got the news that she had a rare form of uterus cancer. She had to take a break from work in order to focus on herself. At least her family was there for her and she is now cancer-free.

4Pregnancy Struggles

Bill and Jen struggled to get pregnant themselves. After facing two heartbreaking losses, they decided to use a surrogate in order to have a baby and as if going through two miscarriages and nearly losing Jen was not enough, the surrogate lost their baby. They eventually decided that adoption was the best route for them as kiwireport reveals.

3Adoption Was Not Their First Choice

Bill and Jen feel happy and grateful to have their two children. However, adoption was not their first choice. Initially, they really wanted to have their own biological kids but when things did not work out for them and they resulted into adopting as kiwireport points out. They adopted kids with the same medical condition as them.

2Jen Has A Bad First Memory Of Herself

The first thing Jen remembers of herself is sad. She remembers being in an ambulance after experiencing a health complication. She is quoted saying, “the lights were flashing, and my parents were tucking towels around my head, trying to make sure I was secured for the trip to the hospital” as therichest points out.

1The Kleins Get Uninvited Guests Due To The Show

Since they used to shoot most of the show in their former house in Houston, many fans recognized it, which was a bit scary and nerve-wracking for the Kleins. According to thethings, some fans would knock at their door or even leave notes in their mailbox. While they were happy to meet them, they were also concerned about their safety. Fortunately, they recently moved houses.

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