Young and the Restless

Sharon’s Revenge Plan Takes a Deadly Turn

Today on The Young and the Restless Heather winds up dead after a confrontation with Sharon, who disposes of her body.

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In the dark, on a bridge over water, Sharon balls up her gloves, throws them in the hatchback of her vehicle, which is open. She then closes the hatch, and gets into the driver’s seat crying and horrified.

Three hours earlier…

Sharon opens the door to leave Daniel’s apartment when she comes face-to-face with Heather, who asks what she’s doing there. Sharon says she’s waiting for Daniel, who had to pick up Lucy, but told her to wait for him. Heather frowns, “You’re lying.”

Sharon insists she’s telling the truth. Heather tells her to stop it. Daniel had dinner with Phyllis and Summer tonight and is at the Club having ice cream with Lucy right now. He definitely did not tell her to wait. She suggests Sharon tell her the truth. “Did you break in?” Sharon says no and makes a move to “get going.” Heather won’t let her leave and asks what she’s looking for in her apartment. “What do you want?”

Sharon tells Heather if she’d stop accusing her of things, she will explain. She says there were things still left unsaid, so she called Daniel and he had the superintendent let her in. Heather counters that she spoke to Daniel right before she got there, and he didn’t mention it. Does she not think he’d warn her that the woman who’s been threatening them and screaming at them would be in their living room? Sharon only knows that Daniel told him to wait there for him. Heather declares this is a lie and announces she’s calling him. Sharon stops her by admitting she picked the lock on the door. She wanted to tell Daniel that she thought it would be best if he left town. Heather asks how she knows they were thinking about leaving. “Are you bugging my apartment now, Sharon?” Sharon complains that she’s not on the witness stand. Heather warns she’s about to be if she doesn’t come clean.

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Sharon begins to wail about Daniel killing her baby girl. Heather reminds her that Cassie was driving the car. This was a tragic mistake made by two teenagers, and Daniel has suffered ever since. He has remorse, and if it’s not enough for Sharon, Heather is sorry. “What do you want Daniel to do? Do you want him to die? Would that settle the score for you, because it wouldn’t bring Cassie back.” Sharon hollers that seeing Daniel tears her apart. “He’s everywhere I look!” Heather asks, “So your solution was to break into his apartment and tell him that?” Sharon says yes. Heather tells her they considered leaving, but they didn’t want to send the message to Lucy that running away from their problems is OK. “Sorry to disappoint you, but we’re staying.” Sharon doesn’t think she’s sorry for anything. Heather says she’s sorry for her because she needs professional help. “I don’t know what this is, but to be completely honest, it scares me. You scare me!” Sharon is taken aback. Heather thinks the only thing Sharon’s actually regretting is pretending to apologize to them. Spotting a shard of broken glass on the floor, she asks Sharon, “Did you do this?” Sharon denies it. Heather doesn’t buy it and asks, “What the hell is going on?!”

Holding the glass, Heather asks Sharon what she did. Sharon says it was like that when she got there. Heather reminds her said she’d just noticed it. Sharon tells her to believe her or not, “I don’t care.” She tries to leave again, and Heather gets between her and the door. She decides she should call the police and pulls out her phone. Sharon pleads with her, “Please don’t do this.” Heather says, “Then tell me the truth.” She knows she didn’t come there to just talk to Daniel. Sharon tells her she’s said everything she has to say. Heather tells her, “Have it your way,” and starts dialing. Sharon knocks the phone out of her hand. Heather tells her she’s sick and needs to see someone as soon as possible. “Maybe I should call Nick.” Sharon says she’ll paint her as a crazy lady and screams, “Don’t call him!” Heather says fine, but she is going to call the police. Sharon promises she won’t bother them anymore. Heather says she obviously came there to do something. She can only guess it was to harm Daniel, or maybe all of them. She will do what it takes to protect her family and get her out of their lives once and for all. Heather goes for her phone and Sharon makes for the door. Heather tries to stop her, and Sharon throws her to the floor. Heather is unconscious for a moment and then comes around. She tells Sharon, “You are out of your mind.”

Sharon’s vision blurs and then she hears Cameron telling her to wake up. Heather is unconscious on the floor. Cameron says, “I don’t think she can hear you.”

Sharon tells Heather to wake up repeatedly. She lifts her head and there’s loads of blood. Sharon gasps, “Oh my God!” Cameron prompts her to check her pulse. She does and there isn’t one. Sharon panics and cries, “Oh my God, oh my God, what have I done?!” She wails that she has to call an ambulance. Cameron stops her. He says Heather is dead and it wouldn’t be a great idea to call anyone right now. Sharon exclaims, “What do I do?!” He urges her to calm down. She cries, “How am I supposed to calm down? I may have just killed someone!” Cameron muses, “Well it wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” Sharon tells him to shut up.

Sharon wonders if she can save Heather, but Cameron tells her nothing she does is going to change the outcome. Sharon sobs and wails as Cameron rolls his eyes.

She shouts that she’s sad for Daniel and Lucy. How could she have done this? “What is the matter with me?!” Cameron says that’s a whole other conversation, but the only thing to do right now is to clean up her mess. It’s not like it’s her first time getting rid of a body. He urges her to figure out how to make Heather disappear. Sharon won’t do that. Cameron guesses he’ll see her in prison. He reminds her she’s been seen in public harassing Heather and her family. She broke in there with the intent of poisoning Daniel. He’s sure the police will put it all together. Sharon protests that she blacked out. Cameron chuckles. That’s what everybody said. Sharon says Heather was alive before. She told her she was out of her mind. Cameron says, “Now she’s laying dead on the floor and you don’t have an alibi. Maybe she was right.” He tells her to take a deep breath and cowboy the hell up. Daniel and Lucy will be home any minute and she needs to get to work.

Soon, Sharon brings sheets out. Heather’s phone rings… it’s Daniel. Cameron says he’s probably on his way. Sharon repeatedly says she’s sorry as she wraps Heather’s body in the sheet. The blood soaks through and Sharon reels. Cameron urges her to hurry up. Does she want Lucy to see her wrapping her mom up like a pig in a blanket?!

Sharon finishes wrapping and tying up the body. Cameron tells her she’ll have to dispose of the body. People will be looking for Heather, “Daniel, Lucy, Nick…” Sharon asks why he keeps bringing him up. Cameron points out her biggest fear is Nick abandoning her. Sharon turns back to the task at hand. She wipes up the remaining blood, gathers the glass shards, and drags the body out by the elevator. Cameron points out, “She’s leaving a trail.” Sharon gets to cleaning up more blood. Finally, she gets the body into the stairwell and drags it down to her car. Opening the hatch, she puts Heather’s body inside and closes it up. Sharon looks around in the dark and then goes back upstairs.

In the apartment, Sharon looks around and picks up a stray piece of glass. She takes out the trash containing the rest of the broken glassware, and puts it all in a tote bag. She also puts Heather’s phone, purse, the empty bottle of whiskey, and the bloody towels inside. Turning out the lights, Sharon leaves the apartment.

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In her car, Sharon puts the tote bag on the passenger seat. Cameron asks if she’s sure she didn’t leave anything behind. He warns the tiniest bit of evidence could send her to jail for life. Sharon assures him she got everything. She took her phone, purse, and even the empty bottle of whiskey. Cameron’s impressed. He tells her, “One more stop and you can go home.” Sharon starts driving.

Eventually, Sharon stops the car and gets out. She opens the hatchback and pulls Heather’s body out. She’s on a bridge over water. Sharon hoists the body up over the railing and says, “Please, forgive me,” before pushing it over and into the water below.

Distraught, Sharon closes the hatchback after throwing her gloves inside. She gets back into the driver’s seat and starts sobbing and wailing while banging her hands on the steering wheel.

Back in the motel room, Sharon sits on the bed and cries. “God, God, what have I done?” Cameron says, “I understand how you feel.” Sharon asks, “How could you? You were a monster.” He never had a soul. Cameron tells her that blaming him won’t get her anywhere. “You own this, Sharon.” At some point, she’ll have to accept it. Sharon asks how she accepts this. How does anyone accept something like this?! Cameron thinks they’re similar. Sharon says she’s nothing like him. Cameron says if she gets caught, the police will beg to differ, as will her family.

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Sharon panics. Is she supposed to just pretend like nothing happened? Cameron says, “Yep. That’s what you do.” She’ll have some bad nights, but she’ll have to find a way to hide it. This is her private hell and it needs to stay that way. She must carry on as if she was never there tonight. She’ll act shocked and surprised about Heather’s disappearance. There is nothing that ties her to any of this. Sharon thinks the police will want to talk to her. Cameron assures her she’ll come up with an ironclad cover story. But she can do that tomorrow. “Tonight, it’s OK to grieve.” Sharon asks, “Grieve for who?” Cameron says, “Yourself to start.” If she can’t find a way to live with what’s happened, she’ll lose everything. She’ll have to convince herself that none of this ever happened. “Can you do that?” Sharon replies, “I don’t know.”

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Next on The Young and the Restless: Sharon looks back on her memorable moments in celebration of Sharon Case’s 30th anniverary.

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