Young and the Restless

Kyle Gets Audra Fired — and Daniel Receives Devastating News

Today on The Young and the Restless Victor issues a challenge, Jack and Diane fight, and Sharon puts her best foot forward.

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Jack joins Diane at Society and tells her he ran into Billy at home and it got a little abrasive. He doesn’t appreciate getting his two cents on Abbott Chancellor. Diane’s not surprised he’s on a self-destructive streak. Jack confides that he found out there is trouble behind the scenes at Newman Enterprises, “Which can only be good for us.” Diane learns that Victor’s going after Abbott Chancellor, and Victoria went against her father by offering to buy him out. Diane isn’t sure why Jack brought this up. Billy’s the cause of his own problems and if he goes up against Victor, he’ll lose. They don’t need to be dragged down with him. Jack’s taken aback.

In Victor’s office, Audra pitches her new product. He asks why she presented it to him without a prototype. Audra says it’s because of Kyle, who canceled her production order. He seems to be intent on sabotaging her even at the expense of the company. Victor asks if she’s aware that Kyle talked to him about her telling Nate he was the investor. Audra says Kyle’s not interested in Glissade’s success, he’s only interested in what’s best for him. Victor’s phone rings and he says, “Send him in.” Kyle walks in and Victor says Audra claims he tried to undermine her. “Would you care to defend yourself?”

Kyle and Audra start bickering. Audra tells him Victor likes her new product, and if he’d had his way, it never would have seen the light of day. Kyle says she jumped the gun and accuses her of trying to cut him out. He adds that she revealed Victor’s identity to Nate, “Why should we trust you?” Victor says enough. They both want to run the company, so why don’t they prove they’re competent. Kyle and Audra resume bickering, and Victor doesn’t want to hear it. They need to prove themselves. Only one of them can be in charge. Audra guesses this is a test that most ruthless one will win. Kyle intones, “Challenge accepted.”

At Crimson Lights, Daniel thanks Summer and Phyllis for meeting him. Phyllis asks if they have more to celebrate. Daniel says it’s not good news. “Have either of you heard from Heather since yesterday?” They say no. Daniel says she just left… she’s gone. He explains she texted him to say she left town to clear her head. She mentioned still being upset about the situation with Sharon. He texted back, but she won’t respond. Phyllis complains about Sharon and decides she should try messaging Heather. Summer and Daniel talk her down. Summer thinks this will blow over. Daniel gets the feeling there might be more to it. He decides there might be another way they can find out what happen and pulls out his phone.

Daniel makes a call and leaves Paul a message asking him to let them know if he hears from Heather. Summer and Phyllis are sure he’ll hear back from him soon. Summer asks if they had a fight. Daniel says she wasn’t thrilled about staying in Genoa City, but they had a good talk and were on the same page. He worries he drove her away again. “She just up and disappeared out of the blue.” Phyllis and Summer try to talk him down, but Daniel worries Heather has left him.

Faith lets Nick into Sharon’s house, and he asks about her mom. Faith thinks she’s still asleep. Sharon emerges from the kitchen with a tray of food and singsongs that today she has a lot to do. Faith notes that her mom seems very peppy. Sharon pops a pill and says she’s dealing with her issues; no more running away. Sharon sends Faith to the kitchen and then tells Nick she has a therapy session this morning. He offers to drive her, and then has something to tell her. Nick admits he called her doctor when she was away. He felt helpless and was looking for some guidance. Sharon asks if he gave that to him. Nick says he respected her confidentiality and apologizes. Sharon knows he did it out of concern.

Faith reappears and asks if everything is OK. Sharon tells her Nick is going to take her to her session. Nick heads upstairs with Faith to fix a window, and Cameron appears. He compliments Sharon on being calm and cool. Sharon feels she could lose it any minute. Cameron assures her no one has a clue she killed Heather Stevens and dumped her body last night. Sharon didn’t mean for this to happen. Cameron says Heather was really annoying. Sharon rants that the guilt is still there. She’s blocked it out as much as she can, but suppression can backfire. Cameron reminds her she doesn’t have a choice but to keep this act up for the rest of her life. Sharon says if the truth comes out, she will lose everything. Cameron says, “You’re doing great, babe.” He’s sure it will be fine. Sharon intends on getting better. Heather’s death was a wake-up call. Cameron warns her to be careful how honest she is with her therapist. One word about Heather and they’ll lock her up. He still thinks she won’t get closure on Cassie’s death until Daniel’s gone. Sharon says she won’t do it. Suddenly, Faith and Nick reappear. Nick makes jokes about how good he is at everything.

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At Society, Diane doesn’t think Jack needs to be focused on Billy right now. Jack snaps back that he can focus on more than one thing. Diane announces she wants to hire Kyle’s replacement. Jack doesn’t think that move will create peace. Diane fumes that the position needs to be filled, or they’ll be a laughingstock. Jack says no one’s laughing at Jabot under his watch. Diane corrects, “Under our watch.” Jack marvels that it’s like she cares more about the company than their son. Diane’s offended. Jack’s phone rings and he steps out to take the call. Audra appears and Diane asks her what it’s going to take for her to get her claws out of her son.

Kyle arrives at home and spots a laptop on the desk. He calls out to his parents and gets no response. Looking around, he sits down at the laptop and smirks, “It’s logged in.” He snoops in the files for their new projects and grins, “Bingo.”

At Crimson Lights, on the patio, Summer and Phyllis continue trying to reassure Daniel, who can’t understand why Heather would leave. Summer feels it’s too soon to jump to crazy conclusions. Phyllis promises they’ll get to the bottom of this.

Inside the coffee house, Nick and Sharon arrive. He compliments her for putting in work, and she enthuses about being back on track. Hearing Daniel’s voice, she turns to the patio. Cameron appears and warns her to keep it together, “Do not lose it now.” Daniel locks eyes with her, and Phyllis turns to see what he’s looking at. Nick hands Sharon a drink and asks if she’s OK. She says she’s fine.

On the patio, Daniel declares that he can’t deal with Sharon right now. Phyllis suggests they go and get breakfast at the Club. She’ll meet him there. Summer has to get to work and hugs her brother. Daniel exits and Summer says she should say hi to her dad. Phyllis is going to say hi too. They walk inside and greet Nick and Sharon, who apologizes to Phyllis about their argument the other day. Her reaction was excessive, and she was rude. Summer and Phyllis are a little taken aback. They say their goodbyes and leave. Nick and Sharon sit down, and he tells her how much he admires her for taking accountability. She teases that he must have better things to do than watch her like a hawk. Nick senses she’s trying to get rid of him. Sharon’s phone rings… it’s Mariah. She tells her she’s fine and is with Nick, who is looking out for her.

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At Society, Diane and Audra get into it. Audra says she took her son’s job and got what she wanted… power and control. Diane says she got where she is by sleeping with Tucker McCall. Jack breaks it up and Audra trots off. Jack takes Diane to task for going after Kyle’s business partner. Diane hollers that he sure doesn’t seem to trust her judgment.

Kyle turns up back at Victor’s office and asks if he has a minute. Victor says he does, as long as he doesn’t complain about Audra. Kyle can show him why he’s what Glissade needs and Audra is not. “Right here, right now.” He explains he can offer him something invaluable. Something Jabot has in the pipeline… a game-changing moisturizer. With this information, Glissade can bring it to market first. This will pull the rug out from under his father’s company. Victor asks, “What are we waiting for.” Kyle has one caveat. He’ll only go against his family if Audra is fired. After Kyle leaves, Audra shows up and tells Victor she has intel. Something that can thwart the competition.

At the Club, Daniel gets a call from Paul, who says he’s heard from Heather. He asks, “What did she say?” Soon, Phyllis arrives. Daniel tells her that Paul called back. She texted to say she needed to get away for a few days to clear her head. He wishes she’d talked to him about it. Phyllis agrees with Paul that he should just give her space. She goes on about how much Heather loves him. Daniel thanks her for the pep talk. Phyllis assures him everything will be OK. Daniel’s phone rings. He frowns. “It’s the police.” He answers the call and says, “What? Are you sure?” He tells them he’ll be right there. Disconnecting, Daniel tells his mother, “They think they found Heather’s body.”

Phyllis stammers, “What do you mean? How is this possible?” Daniel says a body was found in the river by some fishermen this morning and they matched the fingerprints to Heather’s. He listed as he emergency contact, so they want him to come down and identify the body. Phyllis says this is wrong, they shouldn’t have called him. He agrees. This has to be wrong; it’s a mistake. He’s going to head down there and tell them they’re wrong. Phyllis wants to go with him, but he says he has to do this alone. Phyllis watches in horror as he walks out.

At Society, Kyle walks in as Jack and Diane bicker about whether he trusts her. Kyle tells them even they can’t ruin his good mood today. Diane hopes this isn’t about Audra. She was just there and was very full of herself. Kyle smirks, “Audra who?”

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In Victor’s office, Audra tells him she just saw Jack and Diane at Society. They got into a fight. Victor asks, “What else is new?” Audra thinks there may be major turbulence inside Jabot. Victor isn’t impressed. “That’s your intel?” Audra warns that Kyle will never turn his back on his parents completely. In the end, his loyalty to his family will interfere with Glissade’s success. She has no personal attachments to hold her back. Victor says Kyle was just there. Audra just need more time to counter whatever he said. Victor says, “Ms. Charles. Thank you for your service. You’re fired.”

Daniel enters the hospital morgue and walks over to a body under a sheet. He steels himself.

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At Crimson Lights, Nick smiles watching Sharon chatter away to Mariah on the phone.

At the morgue, the coroner pulls the sheet back. Daniel swallows hard as he sees Heather’s dead body.

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